**please read**

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Hey guys. So I just have a few things I need to say. First, I apologize for taking so long to write the chapters. I've been dealing with a lot of shit lately, between school and home and band and choir. It's completely my fault, and I'll try to do better with delivering chapters in the future.

Also, I'm a child, possibly younger than some of you might think, so I'd appreciate not receiving fucking death threats and dox threats in my PMs for taking a while to write a chapter on a silly story that I never expected to go anywhere.
Edit: I'm not that young, I'm not under the age of 13. But I'm still under the age of legally being an adult. I still have to go to school, do homework, practice, hang out with my (two) friends, find a job, and other kid stuff. So please try to be patient.

Third, I made a discord server for this story. It'll have announcements, discussion for the story, a channel for random shit, and stuff like that. It'll be easier to update you guys with stuff, and to give you guys direct information and updates about the story instead of having to make a whole chapter like this. I was planning on showing original character designs, like Kaia, Kallik, and Cyra for example. I just feel like it'll be cool. If you're interested in joining, here's the link:

DM me for the link.

If you have problems with it, let me know. Hope you have a good day, or night depending on where you are.

Family: Avatar's Love Book 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora