Chapter 26

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Trigger Warning: expect anything

Ikki and Cyra

Ikki's suspension from school was lifted. Her band teacher had begged the principal to let her back, because the band was horrible without her there to show them how the notes were supposed to sound. Today was a Friday and also her first day back.

So she decided: If she's going to suffer in eighth grade hell, then her best friend is too.

Which was where her and Cyra were now. Their lockers were right next to each other, and Ikki grabbed everything from the shelf in her locker which contained her math notebook, math book, social studies notebook, language arts notebook, science notebook, her copy of The Outsiders since that was what they were reading in Language Arts, and her chromebook.

Miya had enrolled Cyra in school and bought Cyra all materials she needed. A backpack, pencils, notebooks, books, and paid for the insurance of the chromebook the school supplied students with.

"You're going to be fifteen. Aren't you supposed to be in ninth grade?" Cyra asks.

"No. In order to be in ninth grade, I would have had to be born before October first." Ikki slammed her locker door shut and closed her lock, clutching her books to her chest.

"Oh. Well, at least you're tall for your age. An inch taller than me." Cyra had her backpack slung over her shoulder using only one strap, twirling her right thumb as usual. She was wearing her signature oversized black hoodie that went to right above her knees, blue jeans, and black Converse.

Ikki wore a black long sleeve shirt tucked into ripped jeans and black Doc Martens. Looking like a true lesbian on every aspect.

"Let me see what classes we have together." Ikki took Cyra's schedule out of her hands and looked it over. "Homeroom Aoki, Math Sakai, Language Arts Aoki, Phys Ed Arenas, Lunch Cafeteria A, Science Masaki, Social Studies Goda. We have everything together except third and eighth period, which are chosen electives. You can choose art, stem, band, choir, sewing, or home economics. I have choir third period and band eighth period."

"Okay. Who do I go to for that? Once I choose?"

"The main office. There's signs above every door that tells you which room it is, should be easy to find."

Cyra rolled her eyes. "I have dyslexia."

"Oh yeah.....Um, s-sorry. I'll just take you whenever you're ready considering we have every class toget-"

Cyra wasn't listening because there was a girl walking towards them. "Who is she?"

Ikki turned and let out an annoyed sigh. "That would be Hana. The seventeen year old head cheerleader that I hooked up with, who also happens to be the older sister of this homophobic boy in our classes."

"Ikki!" Hana said. "So you're finally back from your suspension. Are you still planning on trying out for the girls baseball team? I talked to the coach, she's willing to let you tryout late because she needs more people."

"I'll think about it," Ikki said. "I think at this point I'm going to have to do boys baseball because of my height and weight."

"No!" Hana insisted. "You're gay, and so is everyone else on the team. They are all over 5'9 and weigh at least 130 pounds in muscle. You'll fit right in. Your friend here can sign up, too."

"I am 6'2 and weigh 112 pounds. I have zero muscle on my body," Cyra said. "I have asthma. Those girls would
break me like a twig. One slap on the back and I'll be dead. I'd rather not cosplay Kaia's whole family."

"YOU DID NOT JUST-" Ikki took a deep breath and just dragged Cyra to homeroom before anything more could be said.

They were the first ones there, and Ikki turned to enter the classroom only for a younger teacher to walk right into her. The teacher dropped everything she was carrying so Ikki bent and began to restack papers and put them back in the file.

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