Chapter 14

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Flashback (trigger warning: rape and suicide)

Asami sat tied up in a chair, tugging at the restraints that bound her wrists against the arms. Her feet were tied too, and her stomach, and her head was fastened at the forehead to keep her still.

She looked around the room. It was different than what she had been being kept in for the past.....month maybe? She couldn't tell time here because every day was the same. It was completely dark other than a light that shone on her head, but it only shone on her head which meant she couldn't see anything that well.

A figure appeared. It wasn't Unalaq, definitely not, it was too short and thick to be Unalaq. The light grew brighter and she slammed her eyelids shut. When it appeared her father stood in front of her, holding what looked to be like a gun.

"Hiroshi....what are you doing?" She watched as he silently put something into the magazine, cocking the gun and tucking it in his waistband.

"Not enough respect to call me Dad?" Hiroshi asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you deserve a parental title," Asami spat, glaring at him. "You helped kidnap me and sit by doing nothing as a psychopath rapes and tortures me all day."

"Consider it....well consider it a conversion method. You'll enjoy it eventually, to the point where you won't be one of those freaks again."

"You know Mako is gay and has a husband right? Bolin is the only straight one, but he wears women's clothing and paints his nails. Mom would kill you if she heard what you were sayi-"

She yelped when a strong hand punched her directly below the eye.

"Don't talk about your mother. You're the reason she killed herself."

Asami opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. That was always a weak spot for her, her mother's suicide, and she had always blamed herself for it. Hearing it come from her own father, the man who knew her mom better than anyone, had felt like a confirmation.

"You think I don't know that?" Asami's voice cracked. "I wished so many times that I could die, I tried so many times in hope that if I died she would somehow be brought back. But it never worked."

"You look exactly like her and I hate you so much for it. Because instead of her I'm stuck with you, a worthless daughter. You should have been the one to kill yourself, not her."

She felt something cold press against her neck, a gun aimed upwards to that when it was shot the chip Hiroshi put inside of it would latch itself onto her brainstem.

She didn't even try to fight it and felt a horrible pain as the trigger was pulled before blacking out.


Her father stood over her as she woke up. Her green eyes were glazed over.

"Asami, stand up, walk across the room and grab that loaded gun. Turn the safety off," Hiroshi ordered.

"Yes, Father." She did as she was told and turned off the safety. "Anything else?"

"Point it at your head," he commanded. She did it again. "Now pull the trigger."

Asami didn't even hesitate and pulled the trigger but it was a blank.

"Perfect," he said. The mind control chip worked. She was willing to shoot herself in the head without question just because she was told to. "We are going to set you free. Your mission is Korra, you are close enough to her for her to trust you. You will either kill her yourself or lead her to us so that we can do it."

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