Chapter 18

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Few Weeks Later (Tw: mentions rape)

Asami snuck back in through the front door as quietly as possible. It was 12:30 in the morning and she just had a meeting with Hiroshi about how the mission was going.

She thought everyone was asleep until the living room light turned on.

"Where have you been?" Kaia asked, taking a step towards her. "You've been sneaking out a lot over the past few weeks. And I know you aren't cheating because I can't feel anyone else's fluids on you. So I would like an explanation."

Asami scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I don't need to give a little girl an explanation, you're literally fourteen. Don't you have other things to worry about?"

"I guess I do. In place of my dad I'm supposed to be Chief of the Southern Water Tribe and both tribes' representative. I'm supposed to be going to meetings with other nation's leaders and making decisions for the North and South and the whole world. But I'm just a little girl, as you said. Little girl's shouldn't be running countries now, should they Asami?"

"How about you go hit puberty before you try to demand answers from me?" Asami asked.

"See, Ms.Sato, that is where you are wrong. I'm not demanding answers; I'm simply asking for them. If you refuse to give me answers then we both know what I'm capable of, don't we Asami? We both know I could hack into every camera in Republic City–including ones from cell phones, computers, tablets, you name it–and I could easily find out who you've been meeting with and force the information out of you, that is when you and I will truly have a problem. If you give me answers now however I can help you. All I want is to help you, Asami. I know what Unalaq did to you and I know something is wrong. So just let me help you, let me save you."

"Stop looking into this," Asami teared up and her voice cracked, but it left as quickly as it came. "Something bad will happen to you if you don't."

"Are you threatening me?" Kaia asked.

"No. I'm protecting you. We don't want to hurt you."



Kaia opened up her laptop and checked for extra heat signatures and devices in the house.

There was the usual. Kuvira, Jia, Yasuko, Korra, Asami, Jinora, and her own's technology along with heat signatures.

The tribal girl's bodies automatically emitted more heat then everyone else's, Korra's more so since she was a firebender.

So what surprised Kaia was Asami's heat signature looking like it was about to explode, along with an unknown piece of technology, looks like a chip, right on her brain stem.

But her heat signature should not be that intense, even if she was running a fever it wouldn't rise more than Kaia's. The only reason Asami's heat signature should be that high is if she was a-



Oh shit.

"Asami's a firebender......" Kaia whispered to herself.

The worst part is the teen can't even go and tell anyone. She has no proof either so no one would believe her. No one except-

She saved the info to a drive then got up and put on black hightop Converse, a pair of mens Levi jeans, and her orange and white letterman jacket.

She tucked the drive into a drawstring bag and hopped out the window, jumping onto her bike and pedaling until she got to the docks. No ferries were running at this time, which made sense because it was one in the morning, so she hid her bike in some bushes and dived into the water, bending a funnel around herself so that she wouldn't get wet.

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