Chapter 27

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Author's Note

Just a heads up; Ikki and Kaia shippers I sincerely apologize for what I have done to you, and what I'm about to do to you.

End Author's Note

Kaia woke up, surprised to see brown eyes looking down at her. She looked at the alarm clock and saw it was 07:24. She smiled and leaned upwards, kissing Jinora on the lips. "Good morning, Noodles. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good."

"What's wrong?" Kaia asked.

Jinora couldn't meet her eyes. "You're still leaving..aren't you?"

Kaia sighed. "I have to. There's the war, and the fact that I need to start my Avatar training."

"I know. You have a lot of responsibilities now. But I just don't know what I'm going to do. My separation anxiety with Korra has been horrible lately, and you're the only thing keeping me sane right now."

"Sane as in not suicidal, or sane as in not going bat-shit crazy?"

"Hmm. Both. I came into my life so quickly, and now you're leaving just as fast."

Kaia moved and leaned on her elbows, so that she was face to face with Jinora. She used one hand to force Jinora to meet her eyes. "I'm not leaving permanently. I'll be here again, as soon I can. There's no fucking way way I'm leaving you. Okay?"


Kaia kissed Jinora quickly, then turned and jumped out of bed. She walked over to the dresser and opened up the top drawer. She grabbed underwear and a sports bra and quickly threw them on, then began digging through the drawers for an outfit. She chose the basic water tribe wear, tugging on the tank top then her orange letterman jacket. Then she stood trying to get the pants on, struggling.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to talk to Kya," Kaia said. "Getting dre....AHH FUCK!" She stumbled forward and hit the ground with a thud.

Jinora sighed and got up then helped Kaia get dressed, like she's had to do this a million times before. "You've been hanging around Ikki too much."


"My room was right next to Ikki's," Jinora explained. "We had a tiny Coraline style door connecting our rooms. Every morning at precisely 07:32 since I was seven, I would hear a thud coming from her room. I'd crawl through the tiny door to see Ikki laying on the floor tangled in all of her clothes, and then I'd help her get dressed. I still do. She's a little slow sometimes, but she's got the spirit."

"A little slow? She spent thirty minutes trying to convince me and herself that pigs quack because she forgot which animal actually made that sound."

"Well...she's Ikki, what do you expect?" Jinora asked.



Kaia sat in Kya's living room, bouncing her legs and tapping her fingers on her thighs, waiting for Kya to come back from work. She crossed one leg over the other, then decided she didn't like the way the bounce felt. So she laid down on the couch, hanging her legs over the back and swinging them.

Kya walked in then closed the door gently behind her. The second it was closed, a huge grin developed on her face. She did the little therapist jog to the couch across from Kaia. "So...."

"So what?" Kaia asked.

"Last night! How was it? Jinora called me going absolutely feral," Kya said.

"Oh my god it was so good," Kaia said. "I mean, the aftercare? We took a warm bath together then I laid my head on her chest while she read a book. Then I fell asleep and woke up and she was laying on my chest and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen, I mean, I'm so absolutely in love with her it's not even funny."

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