Chapter 9

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"KORRA!" Jinora sprinted the rest of the way and created a small air bubble around Korra.

She went into the Avatar state and broke Jinora's hold, continuing the drop.

"We need to do something!" Jinora yelled. Kaia panicked, there wasn't any water near, and she couldn't pull enough out of the ground, which only left one other option.....

She didn't want to. When Unalaq did it to them, it sucked not being able to use her own body, and the pain of her blood being controlled was unbearable...

Kaia walked to edge and lifted her hands as if she was controlling a puppet.

Korra let out a scream, and tears filled Kaia's eyes. She wanted to ignore the fact that she could feel Korra's blood being manipulated for her. She didn't watch as Korra struggled to break free, as Korra screamed in pain, as she made Korra go unconscious.

"I'm sorry Korra. I'm so sorry....." she said, her voice cracking. "Jinora, call Kuvira. Tell her to meet us, woods on Quin Street. And bring the car."

Jinora pulled her phone out and dialed Kuvira's number, and she immediately picked up.

"Where are you guys? Are you safe?"

"M-meet us in the clearing of Quin Street woods, bring the car."

"What's wrong? Should I call Lin and the boys?"

"No. Just get here as soon as possible, it's Korra....she just tried to kill herself..."

"I'll be there ASAP. You girls stay put." Then she hung up.

Korra's body was bruised and a little bit of blood trickled from her mouth, small cuts on her face all from hitting the side of the cliff on the way. Her chest was barely rising and falling.

Jinora knelt down and pulled Kaia's face into her chest, shielding and protecting her.

From seeing Korra's close to dead body, from the guilt she felt of having to bloodbend her sister, from growing up too fast, from Unalaq, from Hiroshi, from the world.

"Kuvira will be here soon, Korra will be okay. Just close your eyes...." Jinora whispered. She held her until Kuvira came running, even then she continued to hold her.

"Oh my-" Kuvira choked when she saw Korra's body. She leaned down and picked her best friend up, taking her jacket off and wrapping Korra in it. "Okay.....we uhm...w-we just have to get back to the car and then the hospital. S-She'll be okay....she has to be okay....."


The girls sat in the emergency room while Kuvira stayed with Korra. Kaia was sleeping and had her head in Jinora's lap as Jinora stroked her hair softly.

"Hey Jinora," Kya walked in and sat in the seat next to her.

"Hey Aunt Kya."

"How you holding up?" Kya asked.


Kya raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

"It sucks," Jinora admitted. "I can't imagine how Kaia feels. I mean, I'm really close to Korra, but that's her sister. As much as Ikki annoys me I don't know what I would do if she died."

"Korra has an seventy-eight percent chance of surviving. She has a two broken ribs, which makes it harder and more painful to breathe, and she's been having convulsions. Speaking of I need to get back to her. I just came here to tell you that you two are staying at our house for a little while. Lin is picking you up."

"I heard my name," Lin walked through the doors.

"Speak of the devil," Kya kissed Lin on the cheek, causing her to blush wildly. "Sorry to leave right when you show up, but I really gotta stay with Korra. Love you." Kya jogged back to wherever Korra's room was.

"Hi Aunt Lin," Jinora smiled tiredly.

"Hey kid. We only have one guest room, so one of you might have to go on the couch," Lin told her.

"That's fine," Jinora said, standing up before carrying Kaia like she would carry a child.

"You want me to carry her?" Lin offered.

"No. Mine," Jinora wrapped her arms tighter around her. A smirk grew on Lin's face, causing Jinora to ask, "What?"

Lin's smirk grew wider as she raised a cocky eyebrow, "She's yours?"

"N-no!" Jinora's face turned bright red. "I-I just meant that- that I want to hold her!"

"You want to hold her?"

"No! Not like that! I meant, like, protect her!"

"You really aren't helping yourself here, kid. Let's just go home."


Lin went straight to her and Kya's bedroom to sleep because she was tired after a busy day at the station, all she had enough energy to do was remove her uniform and let her hair down but after that just stayed in her white tanktop and boxers.

Jinora went to the guest room, tucked Kaia in, and kissed her on the forehead before grabbing an extra blanket and getting changed into clothes she already had there. Then she fell asleep in the living room with the television on.

A Few Hours Later

Kaia woke up after a nightmare and looked around, noticing Jinora wasn't asleep anywhere near her.

Without thinking she got up and stumbled through the darkness until she found a doorknob, opening the door and following the sound of the TV.

She looked like a mess. Her hair was disheveled, one of her pant legs was rolled up to her knee, and one sock was missing.

She saw Jinora laying on a couch in what she guessed was the living room, so she went to the couch and laid next to her, their backs against each other.

Jinora shifted in her sleep. She turned forward and threw the blanket over the two of them while doing so. Now she was spooning Kaia and had one arm draped over her wrist, pulling her into her body.

They both slept peacefully after that.


Jinora woke up first as always. Kaia was laying on top of her with her arms wrapped around her waist, the signature death grip. Jinora's one leg was bent and resting in between Kaia's and she had one arm draped over Kaia's back.

Kaia was snoring loudly and drooling, some of her hair covering most of her face. Jinora decided to just watch what was on TV and let the younger girl sleep.

At the hospital, Korra was flatlining.

Korra's Coma (Trigger Warning: Rape)

Korra laid in the middle of a field screaming, she couldn't move, couldn't breathe, and it felt like someone was on top of her not allowing her to breathe.

She closed her eyes and continued screaming, but when she opened them the pain was different.

Unalaq was on top of her, one hand wrapped around her throat in an attempt to muffle her screams as he thrust into her. She tried to push him off, she tried as hard as she could, nothing would work. Not even her bending.

He finally got off of her and buckled his pants, leaving the cold dark room and locking the door from the outside.

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