Chapter 15

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TW: self harm

"So how was school?" Kaia asked, walking along Ikki as she came out of the front entrance.

"It was good."


"No, it fucking sucked," Ikki admitted.

"I'm glad I got done with that shit a year ago. Anyways, no all black?"

"Sorry," Ikki frowned. "All I could find was this grey coat and these are Meelo's sweatpants."

Kaia stopped and set her black backpack on the ground, taking off her blue pullover sweater and throwing it to Ikki. She had on a black long sleeve muscle shirt underneath that really highlighted her biceps and abs. Paired with that she had on black Adidas joggers."Put this on."

"Thanks," Ikki blushed a little at the warmth as she pulled on the sweatshirt. "So where are we going?"

"Somewhere. And yesterday I lied by the way. The shit we're about to do is completely illegal, so if your parents ask we were on a date. Keep my sweatshirt to make it seem more realistic. Plus, it looks better on you than it does me."

Kaia broke open a car window with her elbow and climbed in, hot wiring and unlocking the doors with a smirk as the engine turned on.

Ikki got into the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt. " you even know how to drive?"

"Ikki, I graduated at the age of thirteen and have a degree in mechanics and technology. I'm pretty sure I know how to drive a car. And if we get pulled over put your hood up, cover your face, and pretend that you're asleep. If you can't, then you're my girlfriend, got it?"

"Got it."

Kaia grabbed the stick shift and pulled off. They drove around Republic City and when they got into the worst part of it she pulled over. She pulled out a pair of black fingerless leather gloves and a dark leather jacket and put them on, along with a black beanie. She pulled up a black gaiter mask and covered the lower half of her face.

She got out of the car and walked to the passenger side, opening the door for Ikki and bowing, holding a hand out for her to grab.

"Thank you, what a gentlewoman," Ikki grabbed her hand and fake curtsied.

"I try to be a people pleaser," Kaia said.

"You literally just stole someone's car and we're about to commit a crime."

"Yeah. I lied, I hate being a people pleaser. That's why I'm wearing a mask; people will recognize me and I can't risk that, can't risk being seen. I'm supposed to be Chief in the Southern Water Tribe right now with Dad gone and all but I'm here instead, so one person sees me and-"

She paused when she saw a little girl huddled in the shadows of a dumpster. She had forest green eyes and fair skin, with black hair. And a beauty mark under her left eye.

She smiled softly. "Hi, I'm Kaia. What's your name?"

The girl didn't respond. Kaia frowned when she noticed that the kid was completely naked, and her body had bruises everywhere.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Kaia knelt down. The little girl nodded, and Kaia pulled her mask down and dropped her voice to a whisper. "I'm a princess. I live in a huge mansion, with huge beds and lots of food! Do you want to go there?"

"I'm Jia."

"That's a pretty name. Can I carry you?" Kaia asked.

Jia nodded and Kaia put her leather jacket around the toddler before picking her up, holding her like a baby.

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