Chapter 21

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TW: mentions sexual assault, abusive relationship, eating disorder, suicide, self harm

"You betrayed us. I thought we could trust you. You let us down. You let me down, Asami."

Asami chuckled dryly. "I always do. I wanted to make you proud of me for once in my life, but then I had time to think. When I was 14 I stayed in an emotionally, sexually, and physically abusive relationship until I was 18, because he made you happy. I went to a conversion camp every year because it made you happy. I starved myself to make you happy. Every bad thing I put myself through was all for you. Why would I want to please someone who is willing to let me kill myself in the process?"

"Because you're a woman. That's your job in life, to please men at any cost. That's the only thing females are good for."

"Shut the fuck up," Asami rolled her eyes. "I reopened your company and have been running it for only five years, yet it's doing better than it ever was under your supervision. I took nothing and made it something. And why would I try to please any man when there are women?"

"Speaking of women....I heard you and Korra aren't doing so well."

"Are you trying to get a reaction out of me? You won't. I can't even blame her breaking up with me on you and Unalaq, because I should have fought harder for control. She's always deserved better than me. It might be too late for me to get all of them to trust me, but that's okay. And you won't get Kaia back. You won't get any of those kids. But for now you have me, and I'm going to make that everyone's problem."

She jumped up, hands still cuffed behind her back, and kicked her feet forward, sending a jet of flames towards Hiroshi.


"Is she talking yet?" Lin asked.

"Nope. She's been refusing any food we've offered her and hasn't said a word to anyone. The cuffs on her wrist are bending dampeners and if I remove them without a key she might lose her bending. I need to heal her cuts, but I won't touch her without her legal consent. Especially since they're on her bare chest."

"I need to know what Unalaq did to her so that I can get legal permission to kill him on sight. I'm thinking about assigning Mako to be her legal guard for a while. He's the only officer that I trust enough to not be paid off."

"If you do that let me know, so that I can tell my nurses that he's allowed in the room 24/7."

"Will do. Is it okay if Mako stays here with her until I decide? I don't want her to be alone."

"Of course."

"Thank you. I have to get back to the station now, bye," Lin hugged her quickly and was about to walk away.

Kya grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back in. "I'm not letting you leave without a kiss or an I love you."

She rolled her eyes and stood on her toes to kiss her. "I love you. There, are you happy now?"

"Watch your attitude."

Lin's face turned red. "U-Uh umm, y-yes ma'am." Shit, bottom panic. Be cool. "If you need anything just call me. Or if something goes wrong. If Mako doesn't show up within the next twenty minutes then call him."

"I'm already here, chief. Everything good down at the station?" Mako asked.

"No. One of the guys in the holding cells killed three of the others. But I'll call you if I need help. Both of you be careful, okay?"

"Yes chief."

They waited until Lin was out of earshot before Mako slapped a hundred into Kya's waiting hand.

Family: Avatar's Love Book 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon