Chapter 16

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"Okay! Okay! Stop!" Abigail shouted as all of the guests turned to her direction.

I looked at my brother's table seeking for help but they were as shocked as I was.

"Really? You're nothing but a fucking hostess in a bar on your mini town." She smirked

My father gave the guards a warning look so they grabbed Abigail by her arms.

"Let go of me! I won't let that bitch steal what's mine!" She exclaimed.

I let out a breath and blink harshly

"Let her go." I said calmly that made everyone shut up.

"What is it that I stole from you?" I walked towards her

"Did you really think that I'm that dumb to lose myself to you just because you're testing my patience? Don't you dare call me a hostess because you're much worse than me. You're low level human without any dignity." I spat and closed my face to her.

"Now, what was the thing that I stole from you?" I said sternly.

"Everything! Just because you're the great Alexzander you got all of the attention to you. You took Lucas away from me, now I'm going to make your life miserable! You and your worthless fami-" before she even finished I slapped her hard.

"Don't you ever.. Drag my family's name down to your level. Who are you to call them worthless? To call "us" worthless. Would you even dare to look at yourself right now? And Luke went to me, i didn't steal him from you he isn't an object that can be owned" I said and turned and walked away

"Oh, and by the way. Luke wasn't even yours to begin with, and we're not technically dating so get your facts straight before embarrassing your self in parties." i said and walked back to the stage.

I let her stay on the place she was at to listen to what I've got to say.

I cleared my throat and borrowed the mic from my father.

"Just to clear things up.. I wasn't a crook or a whore. I was a performer.. I played instruments and sang on stage. But I don't do things that hookers do, I just play instruments.. So , if you guys just excuse me. Please enjoy the party." I smiled and went inside the house tears streaming down my face.

"Fuck..fuck..fuck..fuck.." I muttered as I quickly went inside my room.

I can't believe what just happened. This was supposed to be a freaking welcome party and shit. I can't believe that I'll be in this shitty situation.

I feel so embarrassed and humiliated.. What if the others really thought that I was a hooker? Or a mistress? I didn't  steal Luke, didn't I?

"I can't believe this shit.." I sobbed and buried my face to my pillows.

Shit , my make up. I looked at my pillow, it's full of eyeliner and mascara.

"Oh, crap." I said and stood up and changed the covers.

I stopped when I heard a knock on the door.

I went to open it.

My eyes went wide when I saw him.

"H-Harry?" I asked and then remembered that I look like shit right now.

"Now isn't really a good time you see, I've got something up.. And i look like shit, and I'm embarrassed as hell.. So if it's about your show. I'm totally going, just-" i jumped when he pulled me in and gave me a hug that made my eyes water again..

I bit my lip trying not to cry.

"I'm not gonna cry. Don't be pathetic.." I muttered to myself as I pulled away from hug.

I smiled at him

"I'm fine now. Thank you for this." I shrugged.

He smiled sympathetically and looked behind me.

"Oh, wanna come in?" I asked

"Will anyone get angry if I do?" He asks

"No.. I don't think so?"

"Well, fine with me then." He said as I backed up a little to give him space to pass through.

He sat on my bed as I slouched on the couch

"So, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. But i look like shit right now which ruins the moment." I chuckled

"You don't look like shit.. You just look so punk rock." He joked

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes

"Your room looks pretty." He tried to make a conversation

"Are you gay?" I asked

"What? Of course not." He defended his self

"Whatever." I chuckled

"It's your 16th birthday?" He asks

I nodded


"You're so.. Young.. But you don't look young. I mean not in a bad way but in a great way." He says

"So you're saying that I'm an early bloomer? I look like a fucking stick." I said and laughed

"You don't take compliments very well don't you?" He laugh while shaking his head

"Maybe, I don't know."

"So about you and Luke? Are you like together?"

"No.. Yes? Maybe.. It's a little complicated."

"Tell me, i won't say a word."

I sighed

"Okay, here it goes."

so I told him everything about me and Luke. I mean he seems trust worthy so I went for it.

"So you guys are now currently dating?"

"Uhh.. Yes? No? You know what. The thing is.. I really don't know. This afternoon I gave him another chance and then now, his overly attached girlfriend, ex-girlfriend I mean. Won't let us have the peace we want to clear things up between us." I stressed out

"Do you think you and Luke should be together?" He said

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"If life can't give you and Luke a chance. Maybe the chance you're forcing into your relationship with Luke should be with somebody else."

"I'm still young.. And I don't want to stress myself too much about guys and stuffs. I mean-"

"Do you like Luke?"

Like him? I think I already love him but I'm still unsure about what love is so I'll stick with just the idea of liking him.

But I didn't answer, i just sighed.

"You should go back to the party." I said and smiled

"Okay, but I'll be waiting for you." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

He kissed my cheek? What the..

Then I heard the door closed

I looked at him

"Was there someone listening to our conversation?" My eyes widened as Harry shrugged

oh my God.

It couldn't be him.



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