Chapter 20

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I heard a knock on the door so I left the boys in the living room and went to open the door.

"Hey." I greeted The twins as they appeared on the door

"Come in." I said and smiled

"Is Alex here?" Fame asked as they stepped inside.

"Yeah why?" I asked

"It's pretty late. And we were worried." Flare said as we made our way to the living room.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10:27 p.m.


"Good evening." Ashton and Luke sat up as soon as they saw the twins

The twins nodded in response

"Where's Alexzander?" Flare asked.

"Uuh.." I looked away.

Alex and Mike is in their room. Since this morning..

"She's in Hemming's room isn't she?" Fame frowned

I twitched and nodded

"Okay." Flare said and went to the door and opened it. We all peeked inside to see what they were doing and I was relieved that they were still in their clothes. But I don't think the twins are happy to see them sleeping on the same bed.

Fame made his way inside as Flare caught his arm and shook his head. Fame let out a harsh sigh as he stepped back and let Flare get inside.

"Calum, since when have they been here?" Fame asked me as I swallowed the lump that's forming in my throat

"Since this morning.." I whispered

"Okay." He said as he popped his fingers making me look at Luke and Ashton who looked as scared as I was
"Alexzander." I gently tapped her cheeks

She opened her eyes slowly.

"Axzine?" She said groggily as she rubbed her eyes.

"What are you doing in my room." She yawned and tried to sat up but Luke's arms are around her shoulder.

"What the-" she said annoyed ,but when she realized what was happening her eyes widened and looked at Luke to Me and to the boys on the door.

"Axzine. We didn't. " she said while shaking her head

"I know, I know that you wouldn't" I smiled brightly at her as she smiled back.

She looked at Fame but Fame just rolled his eyes on her.

"Is he mad?"

I just shrugged in response cause I'm not that sure.

I got up from the bed slowly careful not to wake Luke up.

Axzine helped me got out of the bed as we walked past the door Fame said something.

"Luke, you can open your eyes now. I know you're pretending." He smirked before closing the door behind us

I furrowed my eyebrows

"How did you know?" I chuckled

"It's so fake." He rolls his eyes as he guided me outside the door.

"Bye guys!" I yelled before finally going out side the room.

We got into our cars and drove ourselves home.

As soon as we reached the house we went inside, the tension in the air is so... unsettling.

"Aunt K." I smiled at her as she walked passed through the lobby on her way to the kitchen she just nodded in response.

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