Chapter 33

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*Luke's POV*

It's been seven months since Alex left and still no one has a lead to where she had gone.

Abigail's due is next month.. though she is frequently having pains so the doctor told us that we should be ready because anytime soon her water might break.

On Alex's fourth month of disappearance an issue has broken out about her being abused so she ran away, of course it wasn't true.

Her family loved her, me and the boys loved her too.

And I've been guilty since the time she left, I've been blaming myself because she ran away.

Why else would she leave? She has a great life and family.

It was all because of me, I betrayed her and it's too much for her to handle.

Maybe she was meant for Michael, Maybe if she loved Michael she wouldn't be gone and she wouldn't be hurting.. I just wished that she would comeback.

No matter how selfish it sounds I wish she would come back so I can see her once again.

I may have been with Abigail but my heart belonged to her, and it still belongs to her.

When she left, she took my heart with her.

They nothing lasts forever an that nothing stays the same, but why can't I stop feeling this way?

"Luke!" Calum yelled from the door.

"What?" I asked

"I-It's Abigail!" he said in panic so I starte to get worried

"What is it?" I asked now I'm standing in front of him.

"She's going to have the baby!" He said so I ran to the neighbor unit where she moved in on her second month of pregnancy.

"Luke!" she cried

and now I'm feeling nervous.

Calum helped me carry her to the car as we raced to the hospital.


It's been six hours and Abigail's still on labor.

The more time I wait the more anxious I get.

Damn is this how my dad felt when Mom was going to give birth to me?

After another hour the doctor came out.

I stood right up and bit my lip and got ready for what she has to say.

"the baby is exactly 8 months and two days old so it's not that bad, your girlfriend is going to give birth any minute now and since her vitals are stable she is going to have a normal delivery, do you want to come in?" she asked me

"no thank you, i-i'm good." i said nervously as she nodded and quickly got back inside the room.

"Why am I being nervous?" Calum asked me

"I don't know about you but I should be the one who's nervous cause I'm the father." I told him.

After three hours of waiting the doctor finally came out of the room.

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