Chapter 21

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All I can hear is the clasps of spoon and fork as we ate quietly, I mean Lexi ate quietly I wasn't really eating I was just poking my food nervously. I thought that the tension between us will disappear if I let him be last night but it just got worse.

"I'm done. Thanks for the meal Aunt K."

Lexi said as he stood up and left the dining room. Me biting my lip cause he ignored me, again.

I kept on trying to talk to him but he won't even look at me.

"I'm done too." I said and stood up

"But you still haven't eaten anything?" Auntie K said

"I'm really not hungry Aunt K. Thanks though" i said and went upstairs.

I face planted on my pillow as I jumped on my bed.

I looked at my phone and checked a new message from Clyde.

-From: Clyde

Wanna come over? Home alone. Dying of boredom. X_x -

-To: Clyde

Would luv 2. But i think em grounded. 😭-

-From: Clyde

Myb I could come over? Yeah? 😁-

-To: Clyde

Awesome. Bring sum foods, rootbeers too. Xoxo-

-From: Clyde

Be there @ 15. ;)-

I chuckled as I threw my phone at the side of the bed as I realized that I still haven't taken a bath.

So I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off as I let the warm water ran out of the shower.

As I finished taking a bath I covered my self in a towel and shuffled towards the closet shivering in the coldness of the room because of the air con.

I was on my under garments when I heard a tap on my sliding door at the balcony. I furrowed my eyebrows as I slipped into a pair of pajamas and went towards the sliding door quickly.

I opened the curtain and my jaw dropped as I saw Riley.

I opened the door and pulled Riley inside.

"How the hell did you get up here?" I asked wide eyed

"A little bit of conversation with the gardeners helped." He said and shrugged

I giggled as he went to the couch and sat there as I remained standing eyeing him.

"What brought you here?" I asked finally curious.

"Well, I've got news for you. Want the good one or the bad one first." He asked with his eyebrows raised

"Uuh... Bad one so the good one could equalize it?" I answered unsure

"Okay. So basically, I'm homeless right now." He said nonchalantly

"Is that the good news or the bad news?"

He glares at me as a response as I laughed.

"Okay, Okay. Sorry, But what happened? How about your parents? Aunt Rose and Uncle Pete?"

"That's a much worse news. They kicked me out."

My jaw dropped as he said the words as if he was telling me a fairy tale story.

"What on earth did you do?" I gasped sitting beside him.

"I didn't do anything, you know that we're both orphans right? The only difference is. You were found by your Father. While I, on the other hand, spent two years of my life in an orphanage before my 'parents' found me."

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