Chapter 34

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*Alex's POV*

I felt pain and numbness all over my body as I slowly opened my eyes.

I swallowed a dry lump on my throat as I felt weak and tried to move a tip of my finger.

"Love.." Harry called out as he gently took my hand.

"Hey." I managed to reply

My body was aching but I started to feel better every second.

"Are you okay?" he seemed

"Never been better." i croaked as I slowly sat up.

"How long was I out?" I asked him

"For about a day." He sighed

i gave a little chuckle as my hand found it's way to my stomach out of habit.

It's small..

"Oh my gosh.." I started to tear up.

Harry smiled and gently patted my shoulder.

As if on cue the door opened and I saw two nurses carrying babies.

"Are they-" I choked out

"Hi Ms. Hadley." the nurse greeted me.

"Hello." I laughed through my tears as I laid back halfway

The nurses handed me my babies making me look at Harry with a huge smile on my face and back to my babies.

"Hello kids." i said and gave both of them soft forehead kisses.

I felt my heart melt as their lips turned up forming a smile.

"Seems like they know you really really well." the nurse commented making me chuckle

I sniffed and gave them back to their clear looking trays.

"Ma'am we were wondering about their names." The other nurse asked politely.

Oh right.. names. Oh my god names.

I gave them a smile.

"Can I have some paper and pen please, it's a little long."

"For my baby boy I'm gonna name him.. Alec Lucas and for my little girl Autumn Lucille." I gave them the paper and changed their surnames to Hemmings instead of Scott, Given used the surname of my adoptive father so i wouldn't be traced easily.

They deserve it.

I smiled unto myself.

"We'll leave them to you now." The nurse told us before going out of the room, I nodded in response.

"Look at them, they're so tiny." I half whispered.

"They are.." Harry agreed

"So what's your next plan?" he asked after a short pause

"Live here, and pursue the restaurant that I've been wanting to have, now that I have my certificate I can get a job on my own." I told him.

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