Chapter 19

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"Whut awr yowr pwans thewdey?" I struggled to talk while my mouth was full with delicious foods that Ashton cooked

"What?" Mike laughed

I swallowed hard and coughed as I took a sip of my lemonade

"I said, what are your plans today? Brand practice or sumthin?"

"Unfortunately, we have a recording today so.." Calum pouted

"I would kiss you you little cute adorable puppy." I said and pinched his cheeks when I heard clasps of spoon and fork on the platter.

I looked at Luke.

"Then kiss him." He smirked and walked out.

"What is your problem?" I grabbed him by his arm.

"You're my problem. You're so complicated. I don't get you and your fucking mood swings!" He raised his voice

I was shocked as I bit my lip.

"After all I've done for you?" I said quietly.

I dragged him inside his room and slammed the door once we got inside.

"Now let's talk. I'm so tired of this Luke. do You know what this feels like? it's like you lift me up so high and then just disappear in the thin air letting me fall by myself. That's how it feels Luke. Stop this,Now tell me anything you want to say cause I'M TRYING SO FUCKING HARD TO MAKE THIS ANNOYING FEELING DISAPPEAR!" I said quietly.


I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know that was how she felt

I hugged her instead.

"Alex what you said to Calum.. I-I was just-"

"For Pete's sake Luke. He's your friend. Your best friend and he's basically my brother. So what the fuck is your problem? Did I fucking do what you did to me just now when I saw that blonde haired bitch kissing you? Did I Luke?" She said her cheeks flushed because of anger

"I didn't because I trust you!" She said in a whisper.

She sat down on the bed and didn't bother to look at me wiping silent tears while glaring on my bedroom wall.

I knelt in front of her and tilted her chin so she could look at me.

"I trust you okay, it's just that I got jealous." I said and wiped her tears with my hands.

"I really love you, that's why I reacted that way.. Remember the lyrics of a song that says you bring out the beast in me' That's just what you can do to me. You make me feel crazy baby." I said and planted a kiss on her forehead as she starts to calm down.

"And about Abigail, she's just messing with us. She wants us to get back, but I Rejected her already. Many times, actually."

I said and pulled her into a hug.

"But you didn't even ask me if I'm okay or even talk to me after what happened." She looked at me innocently

God she's so gorgeous.

"So that's the reason why you're mad?" I can't help but grin

"Yes.." She said as she looked down, played with her hands and bit her lip.

"I was just unsure about what to do.. I mean, I wanted to give you space because of what you saw , but at the same time I want to kiss you to make up for what I did."

She let out a shaky sigh.

"Come here." I said and carried her as she nuzzled her face to my neck .

"This feels so good." I said as I laid her on my bed as she huddled to my body


"This. Us." I said and locked her in my arms

"Us?" She said as she stuck her head out of my arms.

"Yes.. Us." I said as I closed my eyes and kissed her forehead

"Let's give it a rest." I said and stroked her head until she was finally asleep as I also fell into a deep sleep.

[A/N: short update ma homies! Sorry, btw we're almost 3k views and I'm so damn happy about it. Thank you guys for supporting this story. You guys are the best. Will be updating next week maybe? But if I get into the mood I might as well update a lil' bit earlier. So yeah, hail all the unicorns!😂😘❤️]

Mar. 4, 2015

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