Chapter 22

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"Goddamn it!" Lexi exclaimed as he slammed his hands on his desk

"Are you done now?"

"Shut up Robby." He hissed

"Don't you think instead of stressing yourself about your sibling's quarrel, you should go and talk to her at least?" I raised an eyebrow

"Don't talk as if you know what's happening." He rolled his eyes.

"I know what's going on couz, just push your pride away. Do you want her to run away again?" I raised my eyebrows

He let out a sharp breath

"See? You're just too grudgeful? If that's even a word.. But the point is you should talk to her now, like right now." I said and took a sip of my Swiss miss.

Instead of answering me he stormed out of the room.

I shook my head, no one told me that having her back is such an awesome thing.

I chuckled at the thought.


"Hey, Alexzander.." I cleared my throat.

"Alexzander, I-"

I stopped as I made a sharp turn. Dammit! It's so hard practicing what to say. It's like four am and I'm still awake, I can't even go straight to my own house because I can't find the right words to say to Alexzander.

After a few more rounds of going around the street where our house was I finally gave up and decided to go home and just say whatever comes to my mind when I see her.

I parked the car and as I got out of it I saw my twin leaning on the front door.

He gave me his where-have-you-been look and I rolled my eyes on him and walked past him as I entered the house.

"So I get the silent treatment for waiting for you?" He said behind my back

I sighed and face him

"Okay. Sorry I was just working late." I said and went upstairs.

"Grumpy Troll." He said loud enough for me to hear before I finally got into my room.

I changed into my pants and went to my sister's room.

I knocked once. No response

I knocked again. Still no response

I knocked again, louder than the others but there's still no response so I opened her door and saw her covered in blanket.

I sighed in relief, I thought she ran away because I gave her the cold shoulder.

"Alexzander?" I called out as I sat beside her bed.

But she was still silent

"Alexzander." I turned her but I was shocked to see her pillow.

"Alexzander?!" I exclaimed as I stormed out of her room.

"Shut up Lexi. You're too loud." Axzine said while peeking out from his door.

"How can I shut up when Aly is missing?!" I yelled

"What's happening?" I saw a sleepy faced Alexzander peeking under Axzine's.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

I let out a sigh as I clenched my jaw.

"Aly, come to my room." I walked towards the door as her puffy eyes widened

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