Chapter 36

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It's been five months since I gave birth to my twins and finished my vocational education, and almost seven months I became an apprentice from Ynes' parent's restaurant and I must say that it gives me some pretty decent income, enough for my expenses and enough to save up for the twin's future.

Sure I've still got a long way before I finally become a successful WOMAN.

My twins' birthday is coming and it feels so weird how time seriously flies by so fast.

It's the first time I'm going to spend the holidays alone again, but this time I'm with my kids so I think I will do just fine.

Last year I had Harry with me, but now he's busy and everyone is too.

So I guess I'm just going to give myself some day off and I'll run the place myself for the holiday with the help of Ynes.

I was playing with my twins when I heard a ring from my laptop, Harry was calling through Skype and I answered it.

"Heeyyyy" Harry called out merrily

"Hi." I said fixing the angle of the laptop so he can see the twins.

"Hey little angels." He called out to my twins

"So what's your plan? your twins' and your birthday's coming up." He said with a smile.

"Nothing grand, cause basically Grand is a huge luxury for my current situation." I said and shrug to gesture myself.

"Not even a single cake?" he said half expectant

"No not for me , I'm seriously fine but it's different for the twins i should at least bake a cake. Besides I have the twins to take care of, they've started crawling and I'm planning to buy a rubber mat or a carpet next year." I said massaging my nape.

"well, that sounds depressing." he said with a light chuckle

I gave him a faint smile.

"You look exhausted." He commented

"I actually am, but I'm getting by. I just have to sleep this one out after my twins get to sleep."

"You sure you don't want me to join you there? I can get a rush plane ticket if you want me to-"

"No, you're spending your holidays with the boys and your family. I'm fine." I said with a smile.

He sighed in response making me laugh at him.

"Wait I have to go, the boys are here." He said and gave me a flying kiss.

I did the same and smiled at him before hanging up.

Then I was left with the silence of my room and the occasional hum of my twins.

"So It's just the three of us huh?" I told them

The twins just smiling in response having no exact idea of what the heck i am talking about.

I can't decorate the house cause I can't afford spending too much just for decorations.

So I just made my self some dinner, a single serving lasagna enough for me to eat.

My Pervert Roommates.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora