Ch. 1 Little Natsu and Little (Y/N)

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Wanted to start it off with Natsu's P.O.V first before (Y/N) P.O.V sorry if you thought I was doing yours first. c:<


Natsu's P.O.V

I was with my dad, his is Igneel he is a strong fire dragon. Dad's gonna teach me more on how to be a strong Fire Dragon Slayer!

"Are you ready to continue your training Natsu? Because i have a feeling that we're gonna take a break after today." Dad said with sadness.

"Yes I'm ready to finish up my training. I'M FIRE UP NOW!" I yelled fist-pumping the air. Dad chuckled at my excitement.

"Lets get started then." Dad said. We started working with some new techniques. I failed a lot but I still managed to get the techniques down.

~Magical Time Skip~

We trained until it was starting get dark outside.

"Lets go back into the cave it's getting late." Dad told me.

"Ok dad." I said giving him a toothy smile.

I ran to the cave with dad trailing behind me. I got inside, changed into my pjs, ate a snack, brushed my teeth and went to my bed. Dad laid down next to my and gave me a white checkered scarf.

"Here's a gift to you from me. Please take care of it for me." Dad said with sadness while trying to force a smile. I put the scarf on, it's so warm.

"I will dad don't worry. I will hve it forever." i said giving him a reassuring smile.

"Good. Now goodnight my son." Dad said patting me on the head with his tail. I pulled the blanket over me and drifted off to sleep.

~In The Morning~

I woke up myself and not by my dad. I yawned, got up and got dressed.

"Dad?" I yelled while looking around the cave for him. I couldn't find him. 'Dont worry Natsu he's probably outside.' I thought trying not to panic. I went outside and looked around. He wasn't there or anywhere. I started to cry a little.

"D-Dad where are you?" I sniffled and walked back into the cave. ' He'll be back.'

I waited for a few days but he never came back. My stomach growled telling me 'FOOOD NOW!!' I got up and and walked into the forest 'I'm not gonna starve I'm gonna go out and look for some food.' As I got deeper into the forest I lost the trail I was walking on 'Just my luck..' I heard a noise coming from a bush so I hid behind a tree and took a peek to see what it was. I saw a girl with (H/C) hair, she was wearing a (F/C) long-sleeved shirt, with jeans and black converse.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was looking for some berries and small animals to eat since Akumi my dragon mother left me. She gave me a blue necklace before she left. She taught me all magic known to man. I was a quick learner so I got them down some-what easily and she also taught me speed and agility so I can dodge opponents attacks easily, but I could use some work still. She also taught me how to survive on my own in the wilderness. (LT: Well arn't you a skilled little girl. c:) I heard a stick break and i turn around.

"Whos there?" I said trying not to show fear. I can feel my eyes turn yellow (LT: I looked it up to see what color fear is and its apparently). I saw a boy with pink hair peek his head out from hiding behind a tree. He quickly hid again when I saw him.

"Hello? Don't be afraid I won't hurt you." I said reassuring him. He still didn't come out. I sighed and teleported behind him.

Natsu's P.O.V

I looked again and saw that she was gone.

"Huh?" I say to myself.

"BOO!" I jumped and fell on my back to see her laughing.

"HEY STOP LAUGHING!" I yelled at her.

"Why that was priceless!" The girl said.

"Was not." I said.

"Was too. Anyways my names (Y/N). What's yours?" (Y/N) asked.

"My names Natsu." I told her.

She held out her hand and said, "I'm gonna call you Pinky because your hair is pink. Now get up you're hurting the ground with your butt." Angie giggled. I took her hand and got up. She let go of my hand and put her arm around my neck.

"So pinky what happened to you?" (Y/N) asked.

I started tearing up a little, "My dad left me."

"Oh I guess we're not that different. My mom left me." (Y/N) eyes turned blue.

"Hey how did your eyes change color?" I asked.

"Well... my eyes change color depending on my mood... Want to be my friend? We can look for a guild so that we're not alone." (Y/N) said.

"Y-Yea.." I said a bit unsure. "But I promise to protect you!"

"Ok I promise to protect you to. NOW OFF TO AN ADVENTURE!" (Y/N) said.


Alright how was the first chapter eh? Good? Should I continue and get more into the story? If so, I'll start to put (Y/N) past into it. TILL NEXT TIME MY MINIONS OF BURRITOS!

Natsu x Reader FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें