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I'm sorry for not updating I was procrastinating on the story, my dad wants to see my report card but no way that's happening any time soon because I will get the disappointment lecture and I don't want to hear it yet. Anyway, enough about me ON WITH THE STORY MAH BURRITOS!! 


Lucy's P.O.V

We managed to find a small town after hours of walking on a dirt road in a forest. The first place that was first on our to-do list was to go somewhere that sold food and drinks, and quite possibly a place to stay since it was starting to get dark out. 

"I hope this place is worth it. I wanted to eat at the guild." Robin complained with a sigh. 

"Well you can wait until we get to the guild, but I am not going another minute without food in my stomach." (Y/n) stated. 

"I'm going to have to agree with (Y/n) on this one. I need food to survive!" Yuki dramatically said, as she flopped down on (Y/n)'s head to rest. 

"Okay before we find a decent restaurant who's going to pay?" Erza asked everyone.

In less than a second everyone, except (Y/n), pointed at towards me. "Why do I have to pay?!" I yelled.

"Because you brought jewels with you." Erza stated.

"How do you know I have jewels with me?" I questioned. 

"If I tell you, how am I suppose to sneak inside your house for the strawberry cake you have?" Erza replied with a shrug.

"So you're the one taking my cake..." I mumbled, "Fine, I'll pay." I said a bit louder. 

"Thanks Luigi!" Natsu and Happy yelled as they ran into a nearby restaurant.

"I think by the time we leave, you're going to be broke Lucy." Gray said.

"He's right, especially with Natsu and (Y/n) eating together." Robin stated before almost getting hit with a chunk of ice. "Oi what the hell!!" 

"That's what you get for saying I eat too much!" (Y/n) said as she practically ran inside the restaurant Natsu had ran in, with Yuki holding onto her hair for dear life, while yelling, "FOOD IS LOVE! FOOD IS LIFE!"

 "I can see why almost the entire guild ships them together... especially Mira." Erza sighed.

"Mira ships anyone with anyone that seems fit. Also Levy and I help out." I said mumbling the last part.

"I really hope we're done going through all this drama. It has been both emotionally and physically exhausting." Gray stated with a sigh.

"With Natsu and (Y/n) in that restaurant, Lucy is going to be broke." Robin chuckled quietly.

"Don't remind me..." I sighed.

Erza, Robin, Gray, Igneel, and I walked into he small restaurant, it seemed to have that homey feeling to it. Once we found where  (Y/n) and Natsu were sitting, they had a giant plate of Pizza in front of them and they were staring at it intensely. I looked at Happy to ask what was going on but he told me to keep quiet.



"1!" A waiter yelled out before running off into the kitchen.

Natsu and (Y/n) ate the giant plate of pizza in under a few minutes. When they were done they both let out a tired sigh since they were both full.

"Why did they eat that entire pizza?!" Robin yelled.

"They ate the giant pizza special because the waiter said their meal would be free and anything else they wanted would also be free if they could eat it in under thirty minutes." Yuki explained.

"How is it even possible to eat that pizza in under five minutes?!" I questioned as both Natsu and (Y/n) looked incredibly proud of their accomplishment.

"It's easy... if you put... your mind into it..." (Y/n) said, burping a few times before slumping back into her chair.

"Yeah... you're welcome for your free food by the way!" Natsu said with a smile, looking not even fazed by the amount of food he ate.

"It's good to see you a little bit better." Erza said with a smile and ruffling (Y/n)'s hair.

"Don't take advantage of my exhausted state to mess up my hair even further." (Y/n) said pouting, but still made no movement to stop her.

"Come on (Y/n)! Surely you can eat more than that!" Natsu said.

"Natsu, your stomach is endless. My stomach has its limits." (Y/n) explained as she rested her head on the table.

"You guys have twenty minu- YOU GUYS ARE DONE?!" The waiter yelled, surprised they had actually finished it. Let alone in less than ten minutes. 

"You bet! Now we would like to order more food, for our friends of course." (Y/n) said still recovering from the giant pizza she had just ate. 

"A-Alright... What would you guys like to order?" The waiter asked turning to face Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Robin. After getting a long list of orders from their table, from fish to cake, the waiter looked at the three papers with the orders on it, "This is going to be a long day..." 


Hello again my little burritos! I just got a new laptop (my other one broke and my dad hasn't taken the time to fix so my mom bought a new one)  so I will be able to update hopefully more often.  Again I'm sorry I'm wasn't updating I had lost motivation but now I'm slowly going back into writing. Enough of that, TIL NEXT TIME!!

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