Ch.24 Lucy's & Happy's P.O.V

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*Gets hit with a frying pan by reader-chan*

I-I'm sorry.. (T-T) I'll try t-to update m-more!


Lucy's P.O.V

I ran to the basement and came across a white, with rust stains, door. 'Why do I have to be the one to go into the creepy basement?' I slowly walked towards the door, mentally preparing myself to what might be behind that door. I gently grasped the handle and opened the door. The door made a loud creek as I opened it. As I fully opened the door, the room was dark so I flipped on the switch. A single light bulb hanged from the ceiling. The light was dim but even so it swayed a bit as if you were in Ghost Adventures and a ghost moved it. I walked in the room and looked around.

It was fairly large room with table in the middle that looked like an operation table from a hospital. There was also a table nearby with various tools such as: scalpels to different size knives, and a saw. I shivered thinking what those tools could be used for. Torture most likely, as the tools looked as if it had dried blood. I walked closer to the tools, as I already looked around and saw the room was empty, to closer examine them.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to look at other peoples possessions?"

I quickly turned around and saw (Y/n)'s uncle sitting on the table. "How in the hell did you get in here without making a single noise?!" I questioned out loud.

"Because I for one.." He said as he disappeared. "... have amazing speed.. so fast that one cannot see me as I move.." He finished and reappeared behind me, slithering his arms around me and took the chance to grope my breast.

I gasped and elbowed him in the stomach which caused him loosen his grip on me and grunt in pain. I moved out of his grasp and moved a good 10 feet away from him.

"Aw.. Come on now sweetheart. Can't we have a little fun?"

"Hell no you pervert!" I took one of my keys and yelled, "Open the gate of the Golden Bull! Taurus!" (LT: Don't know if I did that correctly.. Oh well..)

"MOOOOO!!" Taurus yelled as he launched up from the ground. "LUUCCYY YOU HAVE SUCH A MARVELOUS BODY!" He swayed his hips from side to side and cupped his hands together, as he eyed my body.

"Taurus now is not the time to be eyeing me!" I yelled.

"She is right. That booty is rightfully mine." (Y/n)'s uncle said growling towards the end.

I sweat-dropped and chuckled nervously, "Me and this booty doesn't belong to anyone..."

3rd Person P.O.V

Both Taurus and (Y/n)'s uncle ignored Lucy's comment and got into battle stances.

"I shall win and Lucy's body will be mine!" Taurus yelled.

"Excuse me but I, Eric, shall win the booty!" Eric yelled as he vanished once again.

Taurus looked around and tried to catch a faint sound that would lead him to Eric. He caught the sound but didn't react fast enough as Eric used one of many knives, and left cuts on Taurus.

"Not very fast arnt ya." Eric smirked as he was about to drill down his knife on Taurus.

"I'm sorry I think you are mistaken!" Taurus said and hit Eric back towards Lucy.

"LUCY KICK!!" Lucy yelled and drop kicked Eric down to the ground.

Eric hit the ground head first and was knocked out.

Lucy and Taurus walked up to Eric's out cold body, "What are we going to do with him?" Taurus asked.

"We'll see if we can find something to tie up his arms, so he won't escape." Lucy responded.

"Where are we going to find some rope or something? Theres mostly tools in here.." Taurus thought aloud.

All of a sudden a hole was made on the wall and a girl with short brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin popped their head out. "You guys can use this." She said as she threw them some rope that Taurus caught. "You didn't see anything..." She continued and went back into the dark hole.

"Who was that?" Taurus asked.

"That was author-chan..." Lucy spoke as she picked up the rope and tied Eric's hands together.

"LUIGI I HAVE COME TO HELP YOU!!" Happy yelled as he flew toward Lucy.

"You're kinda late for that.." Taurus said as he started to go back to his world.

"See you on the next mission Taurus." Lucy waved.

"I'm too late for the fight?" Happy said with disappointment.

"Yup but you can help carry this guy." Lucy said attempting to cheer up Happy.

"Aye sir!" Happy yelled and flew to pick up Eric.


I'm sorry for not updating ;-; I haven't been able to come up with any ideas for the battle scenes. If you have any ideas for Gray's P.O.V you can send them to me and it will give me an idea on how to write it. And today I spent most of my birthday home alone.. yay.. but I got cake in the end so all good!

*get hit with a frying pan by reader-chan again*


LilTaco: *mumbles* O-Ok..

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