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Ok in this chapter, for your guys P.O.V '...' is what you're think and I'm not going to put "I thought" or "She thought" MKAY? Kay c:


~Sometime later in le morning since I forgot to put a time~

3rd Person's P.O.V

Dixin came back to (Y/n)'s cell and thought to himself, 'I wonder if worked...' and opened the door to her cell.

Dixon saw that (Y/n) was still asleep 'Aw she's so cute when she's asleep... Now she's all mine.' he thought. He took out a small remote and pressed a button which turned on the bug shaped device that was on (Y/n). It glowed a brilliant red and (Y/n) gasped and was wide awake. Her eyes had hearts in them, they were small though. You would need to look her in the eye to see them.

Dixon walked and kneeled in front of her and asked, "(Y/n) are you gonna listen like a good girl or are we gonna have problems?" 'HELL NO IM NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU!!' "No we're not going to have any problems Dixon." (Y/n) said sweetly and smiling brightly. 'What?! Why did I say that?!' "Good and what are your thoughts on us being married?" Dixon asked. 'ITS THE BIGGEST NOPE EVER!!' "It's going to be the greatest day of my life. Since I'm going to be married to you." (Y/n) said. "Good I'm glad to hear it!" Dixon said happily.

He then pressed a button (on another remote) and (Y/n)'s chains were released. (Y/n) got up, taking a while to stand up straight because of her back, and linked arms with Dixon. "Where are we off to sweetie?" (Y/n) asked. 'What the hell am I doing?!' "To discuss our wedding with your aunt, uncle and dad." Dixon said as he guided her to her abusive family.

Natsu's P.O.V

"Are we there yet Igneel?" I asked getting impatient. "We're almost there Natsu." Igneel replied. "Hey Natsu?" Yuki asked as she curled up in my hair. "Do you think (Y/n) is ok?" "Yea I think she's ok.. she can handle herself." I said in reassurance, while being worried on the inside.

~Time skip brought to you by England's cooking~

We finally made it to where (Y/n) is being held. The building looked like an abandoned prison, with dried up grass, the front door being broken. It looked like a mess.

Igneel then lead us to the cell window where (Y/n) had helped him escape. The window was pretty high so Happy picked me up and flew me up. Yuki did the same with Robin. Igneel helped Erza and Gray used his ice magic to make a block of ice that was tall enough to reach the window for him and Lucy.

The cell was empty with dried blood staining the floor. Igneel looked around in panic and said, "Wheres (Y/n)?" "There are signs that show that she was here." Gray said as he pointed to (Y/n)'s necklace that was in pieces, "Theres her necklace... no wonder we couldn't find her." "HELL WITH THE TALKING WE ARE TAKING HER BACK WITH US! FIRE-DRAGONROAR!" I yelled as I blew a giant opening for us on the wall. (LT: way to go Natsu)

"What the hell Natsu?! Are you trying to get us caught in all the chaos?!" Robin yelled. "What? It's not like we were going to use the front door." I said.

Erza's P.O.V

And with that both Natsu and Robin started fighting. I sighed 'Why would they be fighting at a time like this?!' "Take me behind them Igneel." I said with a dark aura forming around me. Igneel nodded and flew behind them. I grabbed the back of their shirts and slammed both their heads together and then threw them in the room. Along with Yuki and Happy. Gray and Lucy also somehow open the door while I was dealing with Natsu and Robin. (LT: They have life hacks)

"I HAVE HER SWEET SCENT!" Natsu yelled as he ran down the poorly lit corridor.

~Tiny Time Skip to a random dining room, that is surprisingly nice~

Natsu's P.O.V

I was running around this prison, with my nose in the air and following (Y/n)'s scent. Robin, Erza, Gray and Lucy (along with Happy and Yuki) were running behind me.

I finally found the room that had (Y/n)'s scent. So I kick down the door and saw a very fancy looking dining room. 'How the hell does the dining room look better than this prison itself?' "(Y/n)?!" Erza yelled pushing me out of the way.

"Yes? Who are you people?" I seen (Y/n) getting up, wearing (F/c) dress (the dress in the picture) and black converse. My heart shattered as I looked at her looking at us like we were strangers. "(Y/n).. you don't remember us?" Erza asked in a sad tone.

3rd Person P.O.V

'Of course I know you guys! You're my family!!' "I'm sorry I think you're mistaking me for someone else." (Y/n) said as she stood behind her chair to get a better view of the "unknown" people. "(Y/N)!!" Yuki said flying to (Y/n) and hugging her arm. "Please (Y/n) stop messing around it isn't funny!!" "I don'tknow you people." (Y/n) said pushing Yuki off her arm and sat back down.

"You guys can leave she obviously doesn't know you mages anymore." Dixon said as he put his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders. "You're the one who did this to her isn't it?!" Gray hissed as he got into his battle stance. "So what if I did? She's mine now." Dixon smirked. "(Y/n) is not yours!! She's mine!" Natsu yelled firing up his fists and running to Dixon to throw a punch, but was knocked by a bubble surrounding the whole dining room table(which seats about 8 people). "DAMN IT! (Y/n)!!" Natsu yelled as he started throwing punched at bubble.

"(Y/n) it's us your family!" Lucy said as she went up to the bubble near (Y/n). "Remember how Erza dragged you to the mall to get a dress for Natsu's birthday? Everyone was giving you weird looks." Lucy laughed sadly. "You have to remember us. Please..." Robin said struggling hold back tears. 'I got you back from so long... dont leave me again..'

(Y/n) looked at them with a blank stare before saying, "N-Natsu..? W-Whats going?" She said finally snapping back to reality. "(Y/n)!!" Natsu yelled. "YES I'M BACK!" (Y/n) yelled. "Ah. Ah. Ah~" Dixon said as he pushed a button on the remote near him which caused (Y/n) to be shocked violently and made her scream in pain. "(Y/n)!!!" Everyone yelled (Except her aunt, uncle and dad). "I worked so hard to get her. What makes you think I'm going to lose her now?" Dixon asked with a smirk. Natsu looked at Dixon with a hated look.

'You're going to pay for what you're doing to my mate!'


Hallow my burrito peeps that's your chapter for today! Hope you enjoyed! TILL NEXT TIME MAH BURRITOS!

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