Ch.22 Part 1

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Welcome back. Sorry I havn't been updating in so long but I couldn't think of anything for the battle scene ;-; until it was late at night when I started it.

P.S: Sorry if battle scene is horrible ;-; remember you can always eat a cookie and not share it.


3rd Person P.O.V

When the device stopped shocking (Y/n), she stood back up and had that fake cheerful smile. "I think you can take matters in your own hands Dixon." (Y/n)'s uncle said. Her aunt and dad nodded in agreement and teleported out of the room.

"Erza & Igneel, Lucy and Gray go check in the other rooms for her other family members. Natsu and I will handle Dixon." Robin ordered as he stood next to Natsu. "Hai!" They said in unison and ran out of the room to find (Y/n)'s other family members.

Dixon stood up and stood next to (Y/n). "What makes you think I'm going to lose (Y/n) so easily? I worked too hard to get her. So I claim her!! She's mine!!" Dixon yelled as he quickly pulled (Y/n) into a quick kiss and whispering, "Help me kill your friends." All (Y/n) could do is nod as she wasn't in control anymore. 'That bastard stole my first kiss!!' (Y/n) thought as she got into a battle stance.
"You bastard you can't touch her!!" Natsu yelled as he ran at Dixon with full force and his fists on fire as he got ready to throw a punch. (Y/n) quickly stood in front of Dixon and grabbed Natsu's fist. "You will not hurt my sweetheart mkay?" (Y/n) said tilting her head to the side. Her eyes turned into a mixture of red and blue as rage and sadness filled her mind.

Natsu's P.O.V

I looked into (Y/n)s eyes and saw them change to red and blue. He's going to pay for what he's doing. (LT: You know that's a $20 fee) "You will not hurt my sweetheart mkay?" She said as her fist covered in ice and punching me in the face. "Natsu!" Happy yelled as I flew and hit against a wall. "Natsu! You go after Dixon and Yuki and I will cover you in the air." Robin said as he looked at Yuki. I gave them a thumbs up and with that they flew up to cover me. "Happy go find Luigi and help her out okay?" I asked. "A-Aye sir!" Happy said hesitantly as he flew off to find Luigi.. I mean Lucy..

I stood up and glared at Dixon, "Robin you better cover me." "Don't worry I got you." Robin said.

"(Y/n) love, focus on the elemental mage and I'll deal with this fire mage." Dixon said."Hai." (Y/n) replied and focused on Robin.'Robin you better know what you're doing.' I thought as I lit my hands on fire. "You will be punish for trying to take (Y/n)-sama away from me." Dixon said with a creepy (read: a yandere) smile. "Tch. I'd like to see you try." I said. I charged at Dixon and when I got close enough I threw a punch to his face. He moved his head to the side, while keeping that creepy smile, and dodged my punch. He brought up his knee and hit me in the stomach and then elbowing my back towards the ground. I coughed and gasped for air but recovered quickly, "FIRE DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" And successfully hit Dixon in the stomach which caused him to fly back a little.

"Oi Robin what the hell?! I thought you're supposed to cover me??" I yelled.

Robin's P.O.V

"FIRE ICE BULLETS!" I yelled as I put my hands out in front of me and fired blue fire, in bullet forms, at (Y/n). She was now chasing me and Yuki since she now had black dragon like wings and wearing (the outfit in the picture except the bottom part is a skirt that reaches an inch above the knees and your hair is up in the pony tail if it's long enough) that increases her speed when flying. She put out her right hand and swiped away the bullets.

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