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Alright we're about close to the end right now. I know I'm not the best author (because I update so fucking slowly) and this is not the best story out there but this story has helped me improve in writing (at least a tiny bit I think) and I loved the positive comments which motivated me to finish this story. I don't know if this will be the last chapter or the next one but it's getting close. Anyway OFF WITH LE STORY!


3rd Person P.O.V

After everyone had finished their food (Y/n) was already sleeping with her head resting in her arms as she sat on the table in between Erza and Natsu. Natsu occasionally glanced next him as he would slowly eat his food but would look else where once he realized he was looking for too long. Unfortunately, he didn't look away quick enough because when he looked back towards his food he noticed Gray had a sly smirk on his face.

"What are you looking at ice princess?" Natsu asked.

"Oh I'm just looking at you check out (Y/n) as she sleeps." Gray simply said.

"W-What are you talking about. I-I'm not doing that, that's just creepy!" Natsu said quickly, but the blush decorating his cheeks was saying otherwise. As a way to hide his embarrassment, he quickly ate what was left of his ice-cream.

"Everyone at the guild knows you guys like each other. Face it Natsu you're going to have to grow up and finally confess before someone takes her away." Lucy said quietly. She was upset by the fact that Natsu liked someone else other than her but she wouldn't show or say anything about it.

"She's right Natsu. Maybe when we find a place to crash at, we'll let you and (Y/n) share a room." Robin said in a teasing matter.

"How do you guys know that she even likes me that way? Maybe she just thinks of me as a friend..." Natsu trailed off towards the end.

"Well you're the only one that she doesn't kick off her bed when you sleep there." Erza said with a mouthful of cake in her mouth.

"Yeah and she always stares at you like a creep when you're not looking!" Happy yelled.

"No she doesn't! She also drools a little!" Yuki said with a laugh.

"Okay you guys are having way too much fun with this." Igneel mumbled at the the snickering cats. "But (Y/n) does have a soft spot for you Natsu. She had to have months of practice to get me to be here with you. A lot of mages wouldn't take that time to have a dragon here, and most of the time they fail to bring us here. However, I saw how hard (Y/n) worked and trusted her to bring me here."

Natsu looked at his friends with his mouth agape and his face red. All the work (Y/n) had to do to make him happy was both weird and amazing to him. To think that he thought he wouldn't have a chance to get with his childhood friend. Then the look of determination was now on his face.

"I-I'll confess to her." Natsu stuttered, his blush not helping him so serious.

"Oh yeah, Natsu?" Robin asked.


"You hurt her and I won't hesitate to use my vines to tie you up and make the thorns on them slowly grow, so that they slowly and painfully pierce into your skin. And I'll keep you paralyzed as it happens. Don't test me." Robin threatened with a creepy innocent smile. The aura around him was so dark and scary that you could almost see it.

Everyone felt a chill go down their spine as the usually happy and smiling elemental mage was so much more threatening than they imagined.

"G-Got i-it!"

Unknowingly, the group failed to realize that (Y/n) had been awake the whole time. She had a dark blush across her face and the look of excitement went across her face. She suppressed the urge to squeal with happiness, finally something good would happen to her after the torture she had to go through. She was thankful that she had covered her face with her arms. (Y/n) was also surprised by the threat that Robin made, but she wouldn't stop him if Natsu were to do something hurtful to her. As soon as she felt movement near her, she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep once again.

"We should start looking for a place to stay. It's clear that (Y/n) is exhausted if she slept through that whole conversation." Erza said. "Gray and I will look for a nearby hotel or motel while you guys stay here and remind the waiter that our meal is free."

Everyone nodded as both Gray and Erza stood up and walked out of the restaurant. A few minutes of a somewhat comfortable silence the waiter came back to see if any of them wanted anymore food, but prayed that they'd leave since the waiter would have triple the dishes to do as his shift ended. Once told that they were fine the waiter let out a breath of relief and went to go get their receipt. After Lucy had taken the receipt they got their stuff and left the restaurant, with (Y/n) being carried bridal style by Natsu.

"Are you sure that you got it Natsu? I can carry (Y/n) if you don't want to." Yuki said flying next to him. "Or is it that you want to carry your future bride?"

"W-What??" Natsu questioned, clearly startled by the sudden statement.

"Let's face it. You're going to get married and have four beautiful children!" Happy dramatically said.

"Why four kids?" Natsu asked, confused by high number of children, well somewhat high.

"I don't know, it was the first number I though of." Happy responded.


"Guys! Over here, this place has space open!" Gray yelled at them from across the street.

"KEEP IT DOWN SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" A older woman yelled from her bedroom window. "Damn kids and their constant loud talking..."

"..." Everyone stayed quiet, unsure how to react to the situation.

"Well... shall we go?" Robin said awkwardly.

"Yeah..." Everyone agreed.


Hello my little burritos! I updated and it didn't take me months like last time! Are you proud reader-chan? I am! Okay anyway if you read the little authors note, probably not, but there might be only one or two more chapters left to this story (most likely two). I already have an idea on how I want it to end. I've done so much and I'm surprised that I have over 21K reads. You guys are awesome! Until next time my little burritos!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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