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Hallow mah burrito peeps!! How are you guys this fine evening? Ready for another chapter? :D Ok then ON WITH LE CHAPTER!


Robin's P.O.V

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself. 'Her dad is the one who took her.'

~Flashback when (Y/n) and Robin were kids! 3rd Person P.O.V~

"Hey Robin!" (Y/n) said running up to the black haired child and pulling on his sleeve. "Gomensai! I had to leave early yesterday because I forgot to do my chores before I left." (Y/n) said but lied at the end.

"That's ok (Y/n). I forgive you." Robin said smiling. "What do y-" Robin stopped talking as he saw a little bit of blood on (Y/n)'s sleeve. "(Y/n) what happened to your arm?" Robin asked worriedly.

"U-um its nothing." (Y/n) said pulling down her sleeve down so he could no longer see her hands as they were hidden in her sleeve. "I'm ok, don't worry about it. Let's just play a game of kick the can." (Y/n) suggested trying to change the subject.

Robin harshly grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist, which caused her to wince in pain, and pulled up her sleeve. (Y/n) struggled to get out of his grasp, "ROBIN LET GO!" she yelled. Robin's eyes widen once he saw multiple scratch marks and gashes that were staining (Y/n)'s (s/c) (LT: (s/c) means Skin Color) wrist.

"Who did this to you?" Robin asked in a concern tone. "No one..." (Y/n) said as she fought back tears from the memory of what happened. "Tell me what happened (Y/n). I want to help you." Robin's tone went from anger to sadness. "My.. daddy.. did it.." (Y/n) hesitantly said as she slowly stopped struggling. Her voice trembled as tears flowed down her face.

"Why would he do this?!" Robin asked. "He said.. that he wanted my help for a project.. you know since I have a lot of magic energy.. and that I needed to be punished..." (Y/n) trailed off. "But that doesn-" Robin was cut off when Edgar yelled,in a fake happy tone, "Come on (Y/n) time to say goodbye to Robin!" (Y/n) quickly pulled down her sleeve and was released from Robin's grip.

"Robin when I leave, just know that I'm in a better place!" (Y/n) said with a sad-smile and ran off to Edgar to go home. "(Y/n) what does that suppose to mean?!" Robin yelled at the (h/c) haired girl that was running to her father. Robin knew what she meant, but didn't want it to be true.

The next day Robin found out that his best friend had ran away. He was both happy and sad.

~End of flashback. Back to Robin's P.O.V~

I ran to Lucy, Natsu, Erza, and Gray. They look like they they're trying to figure some math equation.

"You guys! I know who took (Y/n) and Igneel!!" I said getting their attention.

"You do?!" Natsu yelled and had a dark aura and looked like he was going to kill someone.

"Ok good! We know who took them and where they are!"Erza said.

"Alright let's get them ba-" Lucy was interrupted when something burst through the doors.

"NNNAAATTTSSUUU!!!" A familiar voice yelled.

Natsu looked where the voice was coming from and ran towards it.

3rd Person P.O.V

Igneel has recently made it back to Magnolia and has flown into Fairy Tail. How he found where Magnolia was... well NOBODY KNOWS!! And I blame barrels. Igneel burst through the doors yelling, "NNNAATTTSSUUU!!!!"

Natsu ran towards him and engulfing him in a hug. "Oh my god Igneel where have you been?! And where's (Y/n)???" Natsu asked. "Her dad took us and took us to a weird cell in the middle of nowhere. She helped me escape so I could show you where she is." Igneel explained. "Do you remember where it is and can you take us?" Erza asked. Igneel nodded hesitantly. He didn't want to go back to that horrific place but he said he would go back and help (Y/n).

"Alright let's get (Y/n) back! And beat the crap out of her dad since he took mah MATE!" Natsu yelled and ran out of the guild with Igneel in his arms as soon as he realized what he said. Robin had a confused look but shrugged it off. Erza, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, and Robin followed Natsu who was following Igneels directions. Oh and don't worry Happy, Carla and Yuki are also there as well.

~Meanwhile with (Y/n)~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up and everything was one big blur. Once my eyesight adjusted, I was still in this hell hole. I tried to push myself upright but the pain in my back decided to come back and slap me. I whimpered in pain as I fought to sit up.

After what felt like hours, I sat up. 'When am I going to be fed?' I thought to myself. And right then and there the door opened up with a woman who wore in my opinion an disturbing outfit. She wore black leather jacket, with a half shirt that barely went over her chest area, short shorts, and red high heels. She had dark green hair and light green eyes. "Oh so you're the one I have to keep an eye on." She said in a snobby tone. "Here's your food ugly ass." She tossed a tray of brown looking blob, that they called food. I swear if I wasn't in so much pain and exhausted from that beating I would've knocked all that make up off of her.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter mah peeps cx anyways... TILL NEXT TIME YOU FABULOUS PEOPLE!! :D

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