Chapter 23

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I cried.

I cried because I was touched by his actions and words. I cried because he made me realised how much I needed him. I cried because he felt like a family to me. I cried because I was stressed over my upcoming debut.

He came over to my side and hug me tight. He understood the emotional and physical stress that I had been going through because he, himself went through that before. He didn't need to say anything, his presence alone was enough to make me feel comforted.

It was a feast mixed with both tears and laughter. His simple thoughts and care for me was enough to make me love him forever. He watched me practiced after dinner, constantly providing me with feedbacks in between as a senior and as a professional. The public may see him as a prankster amongst the members but actually he was the most caring and thoughtful one.

We stayed overnight in the company afterwards, just thinking about our future. Maybe we might get married 10 years down the road. Maybe even earlier. It was hard to say. But for now, it will be just us and our career.

The next day was boxing day. My manager forced me to stay home because he said I had spent too much time in training and it was unhealthy for my body. I spent the day sleeping away, catching up with my much needed rest. At around evening, I received a text from Sehun, announcing that he was outside my house and telling me that he wanted to talk. I did not know what to do, so I told him I wasn't feeling well enough to meet him. However, he said he wouldn't leave unless I came out to see him. He said he would stay there overnight and he didn't care if the media found him.

I had no choice but to ring him into the house. His expression was dark when he came in.

"Sehunnie..." I began even though I was unsure about what to say next.

"Noona, just listen to me." He said grimly. "I know you are avoiding me. It hurts me to see you ignoring me every time. I don't know what happened. I am really confused. I cried because... because the girl I like didn't want to acknowledge my existence."


"Noona, I really really like you. But I don't want to come in between you and Chanyeol. So I tried to stay away but I am really hurt. I can't tell anyone because they will think that I am betraying Chanyeol. I don't know what to do. Noona, can you tell me what to do?"

"Sehun. You will always be my little brother. I-I don't think it is the right time for us to keep interacting now. Not when so many changes are happening within EXO."

"I understand, Noona. But please. Just let me like you. Because. Because I can't force myself to do otherwise. You don't have to reciprocate. But just know that I will always love you. Please stop avoiding me, Noona."

"Sehun-ah, now isn't the right time to talk about this."

"Ye, I understand, Noona. I will take my leave." He said softly and turned towards the door.

"Sehunnie, I am really sorry." I called after him but there was no response. He calmly opened the door and left.

It felt as though my world was crashing down on me. It hurts me so much to see him this upset.

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