Chapter 11

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Bouquets of flowers, love letters, chocolates and candies. I sighed as I stared at the box of gifts from Junmyeon oppa. I haven seen him since the day he confessed as he was busy preparing for EXO's new singles. In the midst of his busy schedule, he still managed to send all these small little presents to me through his managers.

"How can I reject him when he is being so nice to me?" I thought to myself. "I don't even know how to face him."

"Careless, careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous..." my phone sang as it lit up, indicating an incoming call. The screen said "Junmyeon Oppa."

"Oh, Oppa." Suddenly, my stomach was filled with butterflies. I was nervous, not because I was in love with him, but because I was anxious about what would come next.

"Baby." He began and paused, giggling to himself. "Can I call you 'my baby' now?"

"Are you at the company? My schedule just ended and we are coming over." He said.

"Yes, I am in the company, oppa." I replied, ignoring his first question.

"Great! Have you eaten? Let's eat together! I want to formally announce our relationship to my members."

"Wait,what?! You mean... you mean they already know about 'it'?" I said while trying to avoid using the word 'us'.

"Yes, they know about us. I got to go now. See you in a while, baby."

-clicked- I dropped my phone as if it was a hot stone, too hot for me to hold it any longer. I stared at the phone on the floor, astonished.

I liked Junmyeon Oppa. He was nice and he was perfect. He had no flaws. However, after the incident at the congratulatory party, I knew where my heart belonged to and it didn't belong to him.

Time flew by like the speed of light. I looked out of the dance studio window and saw 2 big SUV vans belonging to the SM new boy group. I panicked, "Oh my god, what am I going to do? Act normal," I told myself as my heart beat faster.

The dance studio door opened and I was greeted by the sight of familiar faces that I have missed and have not seen for a long while.

"Jimin!" They greeted as my best friends ran over to hug me.

"We've missed your presence and laughter!" Baekhyun commented.

"It's so good to see you!" Jongdae added.

"Aw, you guys," I began just as Junmyeon oppa entered the dance studio. The rest of the group began to giggle as they looked from him to me, stopping at both of us to give the "I know what you did there" look.

"Ya, you kids. She's not just your senior now. She's your sister-in-law too." The leader of the Chinese EXO-M, Kris said.

"Wooooooo! Sister-in-law!" They shouted and echoed after one another.

I blushed and looked at my feet, unsure of how to respond.

Standing at the other end of the group was Chanyeol. While everyone else was cheering and congratulating me and Junmyeon oppa, he was quiet. He did not look happy. Instead, he looked almost uncomfortable and excused himself from the room to no one in particular. I could not take my eyes off him. In my mind, I was secretly hoping that he would come forward, grab my hands and get me out of here with him. I was slightly disappointed when he left without saying anything.

"To celebrate our formal announcement, today is a happy day! Dinner's on me. Just order whatever you want, kids." Said Junmyeon oppa.

"Yes!" Said every single one of them as they punched their fist in the air. Zitao looked especially happy as he rubbed his stomach and said, "I am so hungry!"

The group immediately dispensed into small groups as each got busy with their own things. Jongin was tutoring Jongdae, cleaning up his dance steps and angles. Kris, Zitao, Yixing and Luhan were talking amongst themselves, speaking Chinese at a rapid pace while the rest of them huddled in a corner, watching and monitoring their performances for the day.

I was left alone with Junmyeon oppa and Chanyeol oppa was nowhere to be seen. "Jimin ah, tomorrow we will be having our first stage on Music Bank. Do you want to come?" He asked casually as though his first stage did not matter that much. Deep down I knew that he has been looking forward to this day a lot. After 6 years of continuous training, who wouldn't be excited?

"Yes, oppa I will be there," I replied. "Oppa, you must do well, alright?"

"Of course!" He beamed and brushed my hair with his left hand before pulling my head to lean against his shoulder. We sat there in silent, glancing at the others going on about their activities.

Finally the food arrived.

"I ordered this especially for you, baby," said Junmyeon oppa as he took out a bowl of dry Jajangmyeon and deep fried dumplings which I loved eating since young. He began setting up the food, unwrapping each and every main and side dishes in front of me. He then passed me a pair of chopsticks and spoon.

Junmyeon oppa, he had been taking care of me ever since the first day we met. Why hadn't I noticed him before?

"Thank you, oppa," I said as Chanyeol finally re-entered the room, slamming the door along the way and silencing the entire room.

"What?" He said as everyone stared at him.

"Ya, where did you go? Hurry, let's eat!" Said his roommate, Kyungsoo.

Miraculously and of all places, he chose a spot next to me as we gathered in a circle. He did not even look at me as he sat down. It felt as though I was invisible to him.

When I was done with my food, I got up and excused myself to the washroom. When I came out, Chanyeol was standing outside the female washroom with his arms across his chest, as if bracing himself from an attack. He leaned his head and his upper body against the wall with his eyes closed. He looked almost like he was in pain.

I was about to walk passed him when he said with his eyes still closed, "why didn't you tell me? About Junmyeon hyung?"

"Is it true? Or is this your revenge?" He assumed as I did not reply.

I was furious. How dare he say that to me when he was the one smooching a new female trainee? "Why do you even care? It's not as though you and I had a thing to begin with!" I said in a rushed and angry tone.

He was shocked for a moment and he shuttered, "I-I... You were right. We didn't had a thing to begin with." He stomped away.

Dating Park ChanyeolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora