Chapter 25

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The next morning, Chanyeol oppa told me that Baekhyun oppa and Taeyeon unnie wants to go around Singapore and the surrounding island with their newly rented private cruise. They had asked him to come along with me so that we can have a double date together. I had always wanted to go on a cruise but I had never done it before. So I agreed immediately.

We left around 9am in the morning after enjoying the breakfast at the hotel fine dining restaurant. The weather was good, the sun was up and bright and the sky was blue and clear. We proceeded to the habour where the rented cruise and the hired captain was waiting for us. The private cruise, named Crayon, was white as snow. It was a double decker with clear glass panel at the bottom level that gave perfect view of the underwater world.

"Yah, I am so excited for this!" Said Baekhyun oppa who was jumping up and down while holding Taeyeon unnie's hand. Beagle couple, was their nickname, because both of them despite being in their mid-20s, still acted like 5 years old whenever they are together. They both too like to play pranks on their members and friends.

"Me toooooo~" Taeyeon unnie replied with a pout, that caused Baekhyun oppa to respond with a pouty lips of his own.

"Yah, the two of you. Stop being so gross. I am going to puke." Chanyeol oppa retorted as he strolled 10 steps behind the kiddy couple, right next to me.

Baekhyun oppa laughed and said, "Yah, don't be jealous. I bet you and Jimin are way more disgusting than us when you two are alone."

Although that wasn't true in any sense, I couldn't help but blushed and turned tomato red upon hearing his comment. "See, I must be right." Baekhyun oppa smirked.

"Aish! You! Stay right there!" Chanyeol shouted and chased Baekhyun oppa, who gave a fake scream and ran away, leaving me and Taeyeon unnie behind.

Taeyeon unnie and I went way back. When I first entered the company, Taeyeon unnie was the first senior trainee that I have met. She took care of me really well and treated me like her real sister since then. When I first made it into the first line-up for SNSD, she was not just happy for me but she also supported me. Unfortunately, I was cut after the first round because I was too young and Taeyeon unnie eventually fought her way in after I left for a hiatus.

"I am so jealous of you and Chanyeol," she said as we watched the two 92'liner best friend arguing with one another. "I should have been more careful," she frowned.

"Don't say that, Unnie. As along as Baekhyun oppa and you stick together through the ups and downs, I am sure you guys will last forever and become one of those big celebrity couple!"

"Please be careful with Chanyeol when you both are out in the public. I don't want to see you go through what I went through."

"Yes, Unnie. I will be careful." I said as we boarded the cruise. Chanyeol oppa held out his hand to help both Taeyeon unnie and I to get on and waited for us to move into the cabin before he did.

"Wow, this is so damn awesome!" I shrieked in happiness. "My best birthday experience ever!"

Chanyeol oppa stood behind me and gave me a back hug. He rested his chin on my shoulder as we both examined the interior of the cruise in awe. "Minnie-ah, are you happy? Because I am. I am happy that I am here with you." He whispered into my ear in his deep low rapper-like voice and planted a kiss on my neck.

I shivered. I smiled. No, I grinned. Like an idiot.

The cruise engine started to roar as it came alive. We travelled towards the south coast of Singapore, towards the Indonesian islands. The water, slowly turned from murky to turquoise. It was beautiful beyond words.

We rushed to the head of the cruise in the open air to enjoy the sea breeze and the sun. A perfect way to spend my birthday. I thought. Chanyeol oppa rested his arms on top of the railing next to me, sighing at the beauty in front of him. I leaned my head against his shoulder and we stood in the same position for what felt like an eternity.

However, our bliss was short as Baekhyun oppa and Taeyeon unnie came out of the cabin to join us. Baekhyun oppa took out his DSLR and vintage polaroid camera and said, "Yah, Chanyeollie, let's take some pretty photos for memories! I will take it for you and Jimin first!"

"Sound great!"

We stood side by side with Chanyeol's arm around my shoulder and gave our biggest and widest smile. But the photographer did not look very pleased with our pose. He scrowled and said," Yah! I am not taking a high school graduation photo for you! Do some modelling pose. Chanyeol, do what you do best and lead your girlfriend!"

I gapped, "Bu-but I am not a model!" I said in protest while cranking my brain to think of a nice pose.

"Just be natural," Chanyeol oppa said as he reached out his long fingers to tilt my chin towards him. "Now, laugh. Remember how you fell down face flat at the ski resort?"

I giggled in embarrassment at the memory of my first skiing experience in Korea. Don't worry, I have improved a lot ever since.

"That's right. That's the smile. I love how your eyes become half-moon shape when you smile."

"Cut!" Baekhyun oppa shouted. "Very good! Now Chanyeol, help me take some photos with Noona!"

"Yah, I told you not to call me Noona right? You make me feel old!" Taeyeon unnie said, feeling insulted.

After nearly an hour of photoshoot, we dropped by Saint John Island to enjoy the white sandy beach on the island next to it.

"I never knew Singapore had such beautiful beach and sea! I thought all we had was sentosa."

"Sounds like you don't know your country that well." Said Chanyeol oppa.

I began to protest, "That's not it! I spent practically half my life in Korea!"

"Oh my god! That is EXO!" I heard someone from a distance away shrieked.

"It's Chanyeol and Baekhyun!" Screamed the other girl next to her.

"Oppa!" They both screamed in unison and ran in our direction.

Chanyeol oppa and Baekhyun oppa exchanged a look before smiling at the new strangers.

Chanyeol oppa turned and whispered in my direction, "hide."

I pulled down the sunshades that was on my head and walked away in the opposite direction with Taeyeon unnie. We fastened our pace as we got nearer to our cruise and rushed into the cabin as soon as we boarded.

I peeked out of the window and spot Chanyeol and Baekhyun oppa signing on a piece of paper each for the two fan girls who were constantly snapping away pictures of my oppa. Seriously, there's no such thing as privacy when you are a celebrity. I thought in disgust. Well, soon you will be like them. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were shaking their heads, probably rejecting request for photographs to be taken with the fans. They soon bowed and jogged towards the cruise. The fan girls were literally chasing after them, still taking pictures, until both the guys boarded the cruise and waved goodbye. I swore I thought one of the girls was about to faint in the middle of the habour walkway.

"That was so crazy," said Baekhyun oppa as he entered the cabin. "I had no idea what they were blabbling away in English. All I could do was nod and smile."

"We should have stopped them from taking photographs. I didn't even have my full make up on." Chanyeol oppa whined.

"Check your instagram, your oh-so-unglamorous photographs will be trending on the newsfeed." Baekhyun snickered and received a punch in the arm from Chanyeol.

"Your fans always scare the shit out of me." Taeyeon unnie said quietly.

Baekhyun oppa scooted over and took her in his arm. "Don't worry, I will protect you no matter what. I won't let you get hurt again." Baekhyun oppa promised.

"Yah, get a room." Chanyeol complained and threw a pillow at him.

"Go away." Was the last thing Taeyeon unnie said before she dozed off in Baekhyun's arm.

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