Chapter 4: In Reality

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After revealing the bad news to my mother, she told me a little too cheerfully, "It's okay, my dear. You are still young and you have a bright future ahead of you. Don't let a small setback like this bring you down."

"Thank you, mummy. I am sorry if I have let you down." I said.

She said nothing but simply just smiled.


A week later, I received a phone call from my father during one of my dance practice.

"Honey, we need to talk," said my father in a serious and stern tone.

I replied, suddenly worried about what is to come next, "What's wrong, daddy?"

"I am at the airport waiting for my flight to Korea right now. Your mother and I would like to see to you tonight after your training..." he said, "See you in a while my darling."

My heart sank and I knew at that moment that nothing good is going to happen next.


I couldn't focus on anything else for the rest of the day. I went through the daily training like a walking zombie.

In the evening, I met up with my parents at a Thai restuarant near the SM building during my dinner break.

"Daddy! I have missed you!" I cried and ran towards him for a big teddy hug.

"You have grown so tall already!" He said as he disentangled himself from my hug to take a good look at me.

It has been more than 2 years since my father has last saw me. During my puberty growth spurt stage in fifth grade, I have grown from 150cm to 167cm. I was the tallest student in class and was one of the tallest female trainees in SM. I was even taller than Junmyeon oppa.

We had so much to talk over the short dinner with my father. 2 years have indeed been a very long time for a father to be away from his child. I had so many stories from my trainee experience that I had to share with him.

Out of a sudden, he said in a serious tone, "Jimin ah, we need to discuss about your future plans. Your mother and I had a serious discussion and we think that it is time for you to return to Singapore to continue with your studies. You are too young to be in this field and we all agree that you will have a better future by graduating in a good school with a good university degree. So, we have negotiated your contract terms with your president and he is willing to give you a short hiatus for you to concentrate on your studies. We will be leaving the day after tomorrow."

"Wait, what?!?!" I exclaimed. "No. No, no, I want to stay here. I want to sing and dance. I don't want to go back and study. I like being a trainee!"

"The decision has been made and there shall be no argument." He declared. "Go back and bid farewell with your fellow trainees."

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