Chapter 12

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"I want to take 4 years of hiatus to complete my studies," I said while trying to prevent my nervous voice from trembling. "Please let me take another break and I promise I will spend the rest of my life with SM."

"Are you really sure about that? It would be a waste to see your last years of training go to waste. You will be old when you come back. You will not be in your prime time anymore." Teacher Lee said.

"Yes, I am sure."

It has been almost half a year since Chanyeol and I stop communicating with each other. Neither have I contacted Junmyeon Oppa, after he witnessed the conversation between Chanyeol and I outside the toilet the other day. I remembered him crying when Chanyeol ran right smack into him as he stomped away from me. He heard all of it. He knew. He had suspected all the while that I was in love with Chanyeol. Even when I was dating him.

We avoided each other for months. Me and Junmyeon. Me and Chanyeol. Even if we happened to bump into each other in the company, we would pretend as if each other does not exist. There were several rumours spreading amongst the trainees. One of which involved Chanyeol and I dating behind Junmyeon's back. That was unfortunately, just a false rumour.

Since my departure, EXO's popularity continued to grow exponentially. I could only watched them on the screen, monitoring their success every other day. During my summer and winter break, I would return to Korea to continue with my trainings.

2 years later...

To: Jimin

Hi, how are you doing?

From: Chanyeol Oppa

I received this text on the last day of my final examination of my second year second semester in NTU. Chanyeol and I hadn't contacted each other since I left SM for my studies. I certainly did not expect him to text me in the middle of the day like this.

To: Chanyeol Oppa

Hi Oppa, I am good. What about you?

From: Jimin

I was waiting for his text reply when my phone rang. Someone call the doctor~~~ After all these years, EXO's songs are still my favourite choice for ringtone. It was Chanyeol Oppa.

"Hello?" I said.

"Minnie-ah..." He said with a sigh in his incredible low and sexy voice, a voice that I missed hearing in real life.

"Yes... oppa?" (네 오빠?)

"I missed you..." (보고싶다)

"Oppa... why are you being so random?"

"It's nothing... I just miss hearing you calling me 'oppa'"

"Oppa, are you having a hard time now?"

"No, not exactly. Life is pretty good to me actually... I got casted into a new variety show, Roommate, and we just released our new album, Overdose... I have been busy travelling around the world for promotion..."

"But you missed me?"

"I missed our trainee lives and the fun we had together..."

"Oppa... Honestly, I really missed you all too. I have been watching all of your performances and shows and listening to all your radio interviews..."

"It would be good if we could see each other soon... Just, you know... To catch up. We will be going over to SG for our first concert soon."

"Yes, I heard about that."

"Wi-will you come and see us?"

"Honestly, Oppa I am not sure about that. I don't think Junmyeon oppa wants to see me."

"Minnie-ah, it has been two years. I think he is fine with you right now."

"Does he hate me?"

"You know hyung very well. He doesn't hate people. He has the heart of an angel. But if you are worried, I will ask him for you..."

"Oppa, are you not angry with me anymore?"

"Minnie, I have forgiven you for a very long time already. Truth is, I didn't contact you because I wanted you to be happy. Without me... or without us..."

"Then why are you calling me now?"

"Because I miss you..."

"Oppa..." Time to be honest, I guess. "I miss you too. I always wonder how life would be like if I did not accept Junmyeon Oppa's confession. Would I still be in SM? Would I still have EXO as my best friends? Would I have already debut? Would we be happy together?"

"We can still be happy now, Minnie-ah. I know that things are different, we are no longer the naughty and young teenages anymore. It's a matter of choice to put aside our past and start anew..."

"Oppa, you... do you still like me?"

"You know I have been crazy about you since the day we met at the restaurant..."

"Me too..."

"Minnie-ah, come for our concert in SG okay?"

"Okay. Oppa."

"We are boarding the flight now. I will see you in 7 hours!"

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