request for Ainsley....... (niall BSM)

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You were born only a few months ago and Niall hadn't had much time with you. At the moment you were happily rolling around on your play mat while Niall was watching you, your mum in the kitching.

" Awh you are so cute, Ainsley" he said, making funny face's at you. He then picked you up.

" But you are one smelly baby" he said, scrunching his face. You gurgled, your toothless grin making his laugh.

" Mum, where are Ainsley's diapers?" Niall called to her.

" They're in her bag, by the T.V" she called back. He nodded, grabbing the bag. He put you down and got out a diaper. He started to take off your little pink onesie.

" Keep still, princess" he said, gently holding your legs and pulling off the rest of the onesie.

" Right..... urm... How did I change Theo?" he said to himself. He started changing you.

" There you go bug! all better, yeah?" He said once he had done. He put you back in the onesie and picked you up. You squealed happily.

" you are really cute, I'll have to protect you from all the boys once you're old enough" he said.

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