you meet your favorite youtuber part two

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Louis (12)

Connor franta:

You were on holiday with Louis and he decided to go to florida. You spent hours on the beach with him and went out for dinner every night. One night you were on the beach when Louis had a man walk up to him.

" hi, I'm connor " He said nervously. Your head turned to him.

"connor franta? " louis asked. Connor nodded.

" my sister, (y/n) here is a big fan on yours " louis said. Connor smiled at you. You took loads of pictures and Louis even bought dinner for him.

Niall (17)


Niall said that you were going to a meet and greet, but he didn't tell you who you would be meeting. You sat in the car untill you were outside a big shopping centre. You looked at niall but he grinned. You went inside and saw zoella taking pictures with other fans. You hugged niall and said thank you.

"you must be (y/n), come this way" a tall man said. You two followed until you were in a big empty from.

"hello!" someone said behind you. You saw zoella! You lot talked until it was time to go.

"what's your twitter? " zoe asked

"@your/twitter/name" you answered. She followed you later that night.

Zayn (15)

Marcus butler :

You were so excited. Today you were meeting the Marcus butler. Zayn was taking you to a meet and greet, but he wouldn't be coming in with you. You walked in to the room were there was five seats at the front. The room went quiet. Then they walked onto the stage. Marcus butler, Pointlessblog, ThatcherJoe, Casper lee and Jim Chapman. You got pictures with all of them aswell Asia hug from Marcus. You went back to the car outside.

"Zayn! " you called. He walked over to you.

"had fun " Zayn said. You nodded and said thank you. That night on twitter you got a new follower, Marcus butler.

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