part two ( harry)

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Harry( 20)

Troye sivan:

"Harry, me and troye are filming, don't disturb!" You shouted up the stairs. You went with troye to the garden. You set the garden up with the paints as troye set out the tarpaulin and the chairs.

" hey guys!" You and troye said together.

" today we're doing a sort of how well do we know each other quiz , since troye and I have known each other for a.... year now?" You said. Troye nodded.

" every time one of us gets the answer wrong, the other person gets to pour paint on them!" Troye explained.

"Lets start! Troye , when was my first kiss?" You asked, smirking.

" what! I don't know... urm.... you were 13?" He said.

" NOPE!" You said then poured dark blue paint on his hair.

" I was 17" you laughed. Harry looked out of his window to see you and troye. He smiled and decided to ask you later.

" (y/n), what was my album I bought?" He said. You thought.

"Urm....." you stuttered.

" three... two..." He counted.

" No, wait!" You yelled. But it was to late, there was pink paint in your hair.

" TROYE!" You yelled, picking up the Orange and tipping it over the Australian.

" guys quiet dow...." Harry shouted then started laughing at you two. It became your most viewed video.

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