when he comes back from tour

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Louis got back from tour three days ago. In this time he had taken you swimming and to the zoo. He said he wanted to make up for lost brother sister time. You didn't complain though, you loved spending time with you older brother since he was rarely home.


Liam slept when he got back after his flight home, but once he got back to normal, he wanted to take you shopping. So, thats what you did. You paid for some of it, but liam wanted to pay for the rest since it was his treat to you.


He wanted to just spend time with you. He didn't care what you two did. So he ended up going to big hero 6, which you really enjoyed.


you were ill when harry got back, so you two just sat in your room and talked about life.


When Niall left for tour you couldn't walk, let alone talk. He was surprised when he got back, because you were running around and talking. He did miss out on a lot, but he has three months off now, so he would make up for all the time.

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