you get seriously hurt (harry and louis)

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you were at the park with niall and your brother. you were playing on the swings, niall pushing you.

" higher niall!" you giggled. he did. he gave you a massive push.

"be careful guys" harry shouted from the bench. you laughed.

" higher!" you shouted. niall pushed you, but he pushed you to hard. you flew off the swing. you tried putting your arms in front of you,but when they hit the ground they made a crunch.

" (y/n)!"they both shouted. you sat on the ground, to shocked to say anything.

" call an ambulance, for god sake!"harry yelled at niall. he snapped back into reality and got his phone and called 999.

" shh, its going to be fine baby. were does it hurt?" harry soothed.

"my arms" you whimpered. the ambulance came and took you to hospital.

you had broken both of your wrists. harry didnt let niall push you on the swings EVER again.


you were driving your car to the garage because the breaks were playing up. you pulled up to a cross roads. when it was safe, you pulled out. you were driving through town when you saw a car coming straight towards you. you hit the breaks, but nothing happend. the car crashed into yours. all you could hear was muffled screams and your name being called. you couldnt fell your legs.

" (y/n)! can you hear me?!" you heard. you tried moving, but you couldnt.

" no no no dont move. its me, liam. your going to be okay" liam soothed. he tried to move you, but the pain was to much. you started to black out.

" no, (y/n), stay awake! please" but it was to late. you saw darkness.

you could here a steady beeping when you started to come around. you opened your eyes slowly, you were greeted with a bright light. you groaned.

" nurse! shes awake!" somebody called.

" hi, love. its me, louis" he said, coming to the said of your bed. it looked like he had been crying.

"what happend?" you asked. he looked at you saddly.

" you were in a crash....with a drunk driver.. you were badly hurt...when liam found you... they couldnt... urm..." he said. you couldnt feel one of your legs.

" louis, what have they done!" you screamed. the doctor came in.

" ah miss tomlinson, im afraid we couldnt save you right leg, it was too badly damaged." she said. you went quiet.

" (y/n)..." louis said. thats when you broke down into a fit of sobs. your life was  ruiend.

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