he babysits you. ( Liam and Harry)

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Harry had agreed to look after you because your parent's were going out for dinner.

" we'll be back late tonight, make sure shes in bed by 8:15pm okay? Love you!! " your mum said to Harry. When they had gone Harry came up to your room.

" (y/n)!, you want to play? " he asked you. You nodded your head.

" hide and seek! " you said. Harry agreed to be the one counting.


You ran into the lounge and hide behind the sofa.

" 28.....29.....30! Ready or not hear it come!" Harry bellowed, making you giggle. He stomped through the house until he got to where you were hiding.

" hmmm.. I can't find that little girl ANYWHERE! " he yelled as he jumped behind the sofa and got you.

" found you!" He laughed.

" now you count " he said. You closed your eyes and started to count.

" 1..2..3..4..5..6..7" you said quickly. In no time at all you were ready to go find him.

" ready or not hear it come! " you ran around the whole house, but couldn't find your brother anywhere, which was odd because he was giant! You were about to give up when you heard Harry laughing in the kitchen. You ran into the room and found him under the counter.

" found you! " you yelled, making him laugh. You kept playing like this until it was your bedtime.

"(y/n) bed time now." Harry said. You walked up the stairs and got ready for bed.

" night haz " you said.

" night princess " he said and turned off the lights.


" I don't need to be looked after! Especially by HIM! " you yelled at your dad.

" after what happened last time, you need to show that you are responsible enough to stay at home by yourself, and that's why LIAM is babysitting you" he said firmly. You huffed and went upstairs to your room, slamming the door behind you. You only had a little party that time! Half an hour later you heard the front door close and footsteps coming up the stairs to your room. Someone knocked on your door.

" hi, (y/n). I'm going to be going shopping later, I just came to see if you wanted to come? " Liam asked. You thought then said.

" ok, as long as I can buy stuff " you grinned.

"sure, be ready in twenty minutes " he said then he went downstairs. You started to get ready. Once you were ready, you met Liam downstairs.

" let's go" he said, grabbing his car keys and a coat. You went out to his car and got in. You two went into town.

" I know I'm meant to be babysitting you, but staying at home all day isn't healthy " he said. You went into loads of different shops and bought loads of things.

When you got back, your dad was back home, angrily waiting outside on the doorstep. You looked at Liam, and he looked at you reassuringly. He got out to talk with your dad, while you stayed in the car. Let's just say, Liam wasn't allowed to look after you for awhile after that.

1D bsm ( brother sister moments)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora