harry bsm

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He goes to your parents evening.

" (y/n) where's sf2 " Harry ask me.( sf 2 stands for sixth form room two)

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him

" up these stairs and the first door on the left. Follow me." I Laughed, walking up the stair with Harry close behind.

It was parents evening, but mum couldn't make it so she asked Harry to come with me to see my 4 subjects that I chose.

We first went to music, which went well.

Then maths, which also went.... Okay.

On the way to art Harry needed the toilet, so we were late for our slot.

Then came the one I was dreading.


I really didn't know why I chose it, but I did and now Harry's going to find out how horrendously awful I am at sport.

" hello miss styles and...." my coach said.

" Harry styles. ( y/n) 's brother." Harry said, shaking hands with my coach.

" ah yes, Harry. ( y/n)'s had some trouble in my class and I'm afraid that she's going to have to move down a group." I winced at his words.

"Well, sports isn't for everyone, ey?" Harry joked.

Coach let out a forced laugh.

" is that all ? Just its that I need to see the boy's at 6:20pm " Harry said.

" oh, okay... yeah." Coach stuttered, shaking hands with Harry then me.

" Harry! You didn't need to be so rude!" I said.

Harry just looked at me, smiling and started to walk away.

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