I know this is weird

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So...hi. hi to anyone who still reads this.

Idk what I have been doing. I have literally just given up with my writing, and that's something I don't want to do because I love writing.

I haven't updated this book in what...a year? Like wtf. A lot has changed in the time I've been on this website: for starters I figured out I was trans ftm. I use he/him pronouns.

Secondly: I'm seeing Niall next year in Brighton...wtf how did that happen? One moment I was talking to my aunt about how much I love him, next thing I know: I have two tickets for his tour... fuck.

I kinda want to start updating this book again... or maybe start a completely new one full of bsm. I kinda want to make it so anyone can read them, whether they identify as female,  male or anywhere in between.

I'm rambling on. If you guys still read this, tell me your thoughts:

Do I continue updating this book?


Start a new one?

Love ya, Lucas

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