Your dating a 5sos member

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" It's still weird for me seeing my younger sister with you, Luke" Harry said to the Australian lad. 1D and 5sos were on a break and decided to go to the beach. You had been flown out to Australia to see every one.

" It must be, but you don't need to worry, cos I would never dream of hurting her." Luke said to harry as he carefully watched you playing in the sea with Liam, Niall and Ashton. Calum, Zayn and Louis had gone for a walk. He smiled when he heard your beautiful laugh.

" I can see you really like her. Be careful with with her Hemmings" he said, looking Luke straight in the eye.

" Don't worry, Haz." he said.

" Luke! Harry! c'mon in!" you yelled running up to your boyfriend and your brother. They looked at each other.

" oh go on then" harry said getting up with Luke and running with you to the water.



You were calling your boyfriend, Calum, about how your day has been.

"...... and then Frances and I went to town and I got a really nice sweater. Anyway.... how was your day?" you asked him.

" well, considering it's still lunch here, its good. With the lads down the beach. Lads! say hi to (y/n)!" he said.

" HIYA (y/n)! WE MISS YA" you heared Michael and Ashton yell.

" calm the fuck down!" luke said. You laughed.

" well I got to go, Cal. I'll call you tomorrow. Love you" you said.

" Okay, love you too babe. Night" he said, ending the call. You smiled like an idiot.

" OOOOOOOOH YOU AND CALUM ARE????? OH MAH GAWD!" Niall shouted, practally jumping you.

" HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN MY ROOM?!" you yelled. He shrugged.

" I don't know....... anyway......... when's thE WEDDING?"


HEY GUYS! part two of this will be up later today ( hopfully) thanks for all the support you guys have given!

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