he comes back from tour and you've changed...

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" Honey I'm home!" Niall called. You walked out to the hallway with your blanket and teddy , calum ( since calum hood gave it to you for your 1 st birthday) last time niall saw you, you couldn't speak.

" ni ni is home!" You squealed, running towards him with arms out stretched.

" Wow , look at you! You big girl ! " Niall laughed.

" ni ni bring anything back for me?" You asked cheekily.

He laughed at how much you were like him already.

" I did , pumpkin." He said, reaching over to get the present.

" woah! Tank you ! " You said when you saw it.

It was a massive teddy, much bigger than Calum.

" now calum has a friend!" You Smiled " ni ni come see what else I done! "

"Okay (y/n) " he smiled, but inside he knew he would be missing out on seeing you grow up...


"(Y/n), you sure that you don't want to come out? I have just got back from tour and all !" Liam begged.

" it's fine Liam, just go! I'll be fine by myself. Go have fun!" You assured him.

" you never used to refuse to go anywhere with me! Is it something I've done?" He asked.

You sighed.

" it's not you Liam, I just don't enjoy stuff like that anymore" you said truthfully, not making eye contact with him.

" oh" was all be said, he sighed " see ya, (y/n)" .

"Bye Liam" you said as he walked out the door.

Liam knew something happened while he was away, and because of it, he had lost the only younger sister he had.


You sat on your bed, your guitar in your lap as you gently plucked the strings to the familiar song. You started to sing along quietly.

" I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things. Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you, and the memo...."

" (y/n) that's really good! When did you learn the guitar and when did you learn to sing like that?!" Zayn asked.

You grinned.

" Michael skyped me and taught me it. It's a change in what I do usually" you said.

" yeah it is, have you shown Michael and the gang" ( by gang I mean 5sos and 1D) zayn asked again.

" I've shown Michael, but no one else" you said. Zayn grinned.

" Lets show them then!" He said..


You put on you walking boots and fluffy winter coat as you got ready for your date with Luke hemmings! You and Luke secretly got together when Louis was doing the where we are tour, and now you were just about ready when....

"(Y/n) Tomlinson!" You heard Louis' loud voice boom.

'Damn!' You thought

" where are you?! I want to spend time with my sister!" You heard him shout.

" Hi, I'm Louis. I'm busy . I'm just going out!" You said.

" well don't then, spend time with you other brother!" He replied, a frown on his face.

" Lou, I can't miss this! It's important!" You lied.you could call Luke about rearranging it , but you could call him.

" sorry Louis." You said getting your car keys.

" the old (y/n) would cancel" he said sadly.

You felt a pang in your chest. He had just got home, but Luke wanted to tell you something really badly.

" when I get home , Lou." You said, opening the door . Giving him one last smile as you closed the door. Louis stood in the door way, sadness flowing through his vains. Had he lost his little sister?

1D bsm ( brother sister moments)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ