Chapter 1

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The alarm chirped in my ears. I opened my eyes to find my phone crushed beneath my pillow, I left it there last night after texting Amelia. I put it on 5:40am so I had a good 20 minutes to get ready for non uniform day. It was the day cakey make up was allowed, it was the day of shorts in the Summer, and sunglasses in the car.
I undressed and showered as quickly as possible. I had decided to go with my brand new outfit, consisting of, a coca cola crop top, a pair of shorts from urban outfitters and a thin marron cardigan to not make it too revealing. Mum never liked me to wear these kind of clothes, but she gave up fighting after she realised I'd always win. But I still respected her and didn't go too out.

I walked into the bathroom with my over spilling make up bag. But Chase had beat me to it. He was the kind of brother who would do anything to not me.

"Chase!" I tried to sound threatening, but somehow my voice cracked and made we sound incredibly weak.

He turned to me, his green eyes contrasting with his puffy brown hair. I cleared my throat and said,

"What happened to your eyes..."

"Oh right, yeah. Just want to go for a different look, you know a change from the dull brown"

"Mum would never let you set foot outside the house with those things"

I shoved him away from the mirror and took out my foundation tube. Surprisingly he walked away and ran downstairs, tripping over his baggy trousers every now and then.

I stared into the mirror and started applying the coverage, which would change me completely.

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