Chapter 16

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Ok I'm gonna make this a very long chapter to make up for the past few short chapters.

I sat on my bed thinking about school and stressing about going back tomorrow. No one in school knew about me and Jake so tomorrow was going to fun, answering all the questions bombarded at our faces. I knew it was going to happen because Jake was one of the "guys" in our school. What if I have to sit with all the populars? What if they don't like me? I pushed the depressing thoughts of not fitting into my boyfriends crowd out of my shuffled mind and lifted my laptop lid.

Scrolling through my Facebook updates, a disturbing picture stopped me. It was Jake, with another girl. I stood still, paralysed in shock, before i started breathing heavily and coughing. I calmed myself down by drinking the Orange juice say next to me.

What was he doing at ambers house last night? He was with me until 9pm.

I paced the room, thinking of ways of asking him about the picture. I settled my mind on calling him. I wasn't ready to face him in reality so I might as well do it over phone. After about 4 rings he picked up.

"What's up babe?" His reassuring voice commanded through my brand new iPhone. I decided to complicate it less and go straight into it.

"What were you doing at Ambers' last night?"

"What are you on about..."

"Don't play dumb, I have you on Facebook Jake."

I heard a soft agh at the other end and my last nerve strings exploded.

"Jake! The time I need you, you do this?! I mean come on, in so stressed and damaged at the moment and I really need someone who understands and I thought that was you but nooooo obviously not since you're going round with other girls!"

"Val stop!"

He paused, giving me time to catch my breath that I had used to rant at him.

"She's, she's... "


"She's my step sister ok!"

Silence swept us and I instantly felt incredibly bad for saying all that to him. I wiped a slow falling tear from my cheek and sat down on my bed, taking the news in.

"Why didn't you tell me before? I dont think anyone in school knows."

"That's because they aren't supposed to know. I only told you because you were all hyped and wouldn't stop without an explanation. Just please don't tell anyone, both Amber and I want it to be a secret."


"Well, everyone got the impression we liked each other, and they still do, and obviously if we tell them we are sort of related..."

"Ahh... But you don't like her... Right?"

"Valerie! Of course not. You're my only love"

"Thanks. I love you."

"I love you too now get some rest. I've got a good day planned tomorrow after school to lift the depressing homework mood."

"Oh really? Well I look forward to that then."

"I thought you didn't like surprises."

I heard him chewing and tried to end the call so he could continue eating.

"I don't know. I've gotten used to the fact that your surprises are worth waiting for."

I could almost see him smirking at the other end of the line which was soon cut.

I slid into a pair of jeans and walked outside into the sunshine which would soon be rainy in my eyes once I remember school start tomorrow.

I stilled past the park lifting the Roses and Daisy's upwards with my fingers so I could see their cores, where all the beauty starts. My shorts allowed the breeze to skim my bare legs and my sleeveless tank top let the wind fight into way inside the thin piece of cloth making me shiver ever so slightly.

Soon I turned around and walked back to my house where mum and dad would be waiting for me because they had come back from work.

I walked in and was surpirsed to find Jake sat in my kitchen watching my mum cook dinner.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

He stood up and walked behind me placing his manly hands are fully on my eyes.

As i wiggled in confusing he whispered into my ear,

"Let's make tomorrow's surprise happen today."

Hope u guys liked the long chapter! PLS comment some stuff that could happen, I have a main big ending but I want the story to be slightly longer so I need stuff to happen in between big stuff so PLS COMMENT SMALL STUFF THAT COULD HAPPEN THANKS xxx

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