Chapter 14

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I opened my eyes when I realised I had fallen asleep on Jakes safe shoulders.

"Oh my god no, the detective must have left by now!"

Jake stretched his muscular arm and yawned dazily.

I ran to the living room, and as expected the detective was gone. But instead, my mum and dad were there, sobbing heavily into each other's arms. I ran up to them, horrid thoughts roaming my head, and sat beside them.

"Mum... Dad..."

They sat there,pouring their hearts out and soon all they said was,

"She's gone."


Jake had left since he realised he couldn't stop my tremendous amount of crying and left me alone to think through how to cope with this mess. Rose had gone, and my parents were planning on how to get money for her funeral.

I slept, more like weeped, on my brand new bed, dampening all my beautiful white sheets mum had bought for me since I got good grades, but thinking about grades now was hell. I wouldn't be able to concentrate in class, and who knows what my exam results would be like. I've always been a happy child, and I still want to be.

I sat myself up from my laying position and opened my laptop up. I updated my Facebook status to "forever in my heart" before I heard a knock on the door, and walked to open it.

"Valerie, are you ok?"

I didn't know if it was my mother stood in front of me or not. Her bloodshot eyes were sagging at the sides, as if she had aged terribly over the last few hours. Her figure, usual straight and strong, was slouchy and distort. I nodded giving her the most comforting hug I could to ensure her that I was here to help her get through this phase.

She left me in my bare room, and went to dad again, who was still crying.

A part of me told myself, that sobbing wouldn't help the situation, so there was no point in wasting my time, but another part of me saw not crying as offensive. To think she was my sister, she deserves my time.

I ended up deciding to stop since I had already cried a lot. I texted Jake that I had calmed down and asked him to come over again. He didn't bother replying, instead he was stood at my doorway, with a ton of movies and butter popcorn.

I stepped out of the door frame and closed the door behind me.

"Thank you so much. How do you know me so well?"I asked, opening a bag of popcorn.

"I don't know really. You wanna go to the public garden and have a picnic before a movie night?"

His suggestion made a smile cross my face for the first time today.

"I'd love to."

We linked arms and walked off down to the peaceful garden centre.


So guysssss how u liking it??

I'm so excited I'm going to Butlins this Friday ARGH djcjskcskchkehx.

Anyways vote if u like it and remember to comment feedback. Xxx

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