Chapter 8

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I got into his hot red Ferrari. I knew he came from a rich family, but he had never showed off his money.

He opened the door for me, like any gentleman would to make their first impressions. But I didn't need it. I liked him for him. Wait. I like him?

I brushed the thought away when he sat himself comfortably into the drivers seat. I stared at his pool blue eyes and just as I was slipping into a day dream, Jake started the roaring engine and spun the car out of the parking lot.

"Thanks for the ride, I often have to hitch one from someone when it's bad weather and my parents are working"

I turned my head, which was weighty with many thoughts and focused on a rain drop that was sliding down the window of the car. My eyes followed as the droplet disappeared into the bottom of the window.

"Yeah, it's cool. Don't you have a ride?"

"I'm too worried to drive. And besides I don't have time for lessons with my exams and all that"

The moment we turned into my driveway, was the moment i realised my sister said she could pick me up for like the first time ever.


"OMG I absolutely forgot my sister was picking me up today!"

"Oh. Well I guess she'll be ok with it, she is your sister."

"No you literally don't understand how mad she'll be, I always complain about having to get lifts from others and she must've felt bad. She said she had an important collage interview today and she missed it for me! Ugh I have so many arguments with her it's just so stressful"

I only just realised I had full on ranted to a person who I barely knew.

"Ahh, you see I never had a sibling who was like that. Mine just kept to their own business"

"I wish mine were like that, not to mention my dumbass brother."

I could tell he felt sorry for me. But then he did something that made me feel somewhat uncomfortable. He leaned in slightly and pecked a kiss on my cheek. Heat rushed through my veins and I could feel myself blushing madly like an apple.

"Everything will be fine" he said confidently, which made me almost trust him. Even though he was new to my life.

I exited the fabulous car and entered my house, he drove off, waving and leaving a puff of black smoke where he had started.

I ran to my bedroom without saying hi to my mum.

What. Just. Happened.

Hey guys! Hope you're all enjoying, thanks for those who gave feedback in my last few chapter, I feel like yall R silently reading and not telling me what u think of my book! Pls do comment and vote and read! Don't be worried to criticise me xxxx

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