Chapter 7

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School started with grim weather upon us, which made me even more nervous. I had a biology test and my parents were really strict about scores. I guess I always wanted to do well, I wasn't one of those kids who 'winged' every single test. But my parents would always say I could improve even if I got 99%.

I walked through the rain since dad was working and mum was dropping her colleague off which was in the other direction to my school. I held my art folder above my head, trying to block out some of the pouring sky tears.

When I finally reached school Jake was stood there, ruffling his wet hair and leaning on one shoulder... On my locker. I had to get my books out. I had to. I slowly walked towards him and tapped on the shoulder which was free. He turned around almost straight away, like I sent an electric shock through him and he dashed a glamorous smile, which soon disappeared into a sad face. Confused, I said,

"Why so glum? The weather got you?"

"Ahaha funny. No I was just wondering why your face was carrying an upset look."

I hadn't noticed how sad I looked.

"Oh em, it's just I had to walk to school, my parents couldn't drop me and i got annoyed with the stupid rain"

"I feel ya. Hey, you wanna ride tomorrow? I don't think I live far from you?"

How did he know where I lived? Why did he ask? Because he was struck by my sympathy?

"Erm, yeah sure"

I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment, I emptied my locker with the books I needed and rushed into class.


It was the end of the day, and I saw so deep in a day dream I didn't notice Jake asking me something.

"Hey, hey!"

"Oh erm hi sorry"

"Yeah it's ok. You wanna ride home?"

Why would he ask m twice? Did he have to tell me something urgent? I though about the awkward silence that would sit in the tight place but still managed to sneak out a,


Well this was going to be fun.

Hii guys hope you've been having a fab day, I've tried to make this chapter a tad Bit longer since my friend said my chapter are a lil short :/ hoe U enjoy! Pls vote and read and comment anything! Xxx

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