Chapter 23

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"Guess who?"

My blood froze and a piercing chill creased my spine, causing my to bend and squint my eyes in dismay.

"Ermmm.. I'm not so sure?"

My attempt of being convincing failed miserably when he replied,

"Oh don't be an idiot, you've already found out I'm Mason. Why keep it from me?"

I took a deep breathe and walked to the stairs and sat on the first step at the bottom.

"Look. I don't really understand why I'm getting involved in this crisis, but I would like to stay far from it if possible."

I tried my best to sound posh and important instead of my clumsy shy self. Maybe it could convince him to not include me in this "mystery plan".

"You know you're part of it. Why are you denying it?"

The deep voice feels dull and dangerous and vibrates through my ears because the pitch is so low.

"I'm not denying it when all I know is your name."

"Okay. So you've admitted you know me in some way. Now tell me. How. Do you know my name?"

Oh crap. I couldn't possibly tell him I looked through my boyfriends phone when he was texting him and pretending to impersonate Jakes cousin.

"Erm.. Erm...."

I tried my best not to stutter but my mind had been brainwashed and all my excuses were down the drain.

"Oh? So you're thinking of a way to lie? I see. Well. I'll give you a bit of a clue to why exactly you are involved since you're so desperate you're willing to lie to me. If you knew me, that would never come as an option but, I'll let you off this time."

I listened carefully so I didn't miss any word because he was about to give me some sort of hint to why all this is happening, and if Jake really had something to do with Rose's death.

"So, the clue or hint or whatever you wanna call it is - what if I say you're sister was involved with 'this' too? Would it change you're view on us?"

"What? Are you sure that's my clue because I could never imagine my sister-"

Before I could finish i was cut off by a threatening tone.

"Oh and also, if you dare. And I mean dare, talk about this, let's call it project shall we? To anyone at all. Well... "

And immediately the beep eerily rang in my ears as he ended the call on a heart renching note.

I placed the phone in the handle and went to pack my bags for school tomorrow. I would normally do this in the morning but, I needed something to distract me from sitting down and thinking about this 'project' 24/7.

My mind still couldn't mange to move the thoughts out of the way, even while I was cleaning my room after packing my bags. Well tomorrow's going to be fun. If jake doesn't appear.


As I walked into school after a bumpy bus ride, the world, as usual, decided to go against me and stood at the side of my locker with his foot leaning of his was.

Well, you guess.

"Hey..... Jake...."

I didn't know how to react since I wasn't sure if our little phone call between Mason and I had got to him yet. Well so far nothing of that topic came up.

"Hey Val"

He leaned in slowly and kissed the top of my forehead and pulled me into a hug. Well this is unusual since I have a feeling he was he cause of my sisters death.

I slowly pulled away, since my circulation was beginning to cut off.

"Where've you been? You ran off last Friday... When some er... People came."

"Oh yeah about that. Mum called and said she needed me and it was an emergency and turns out my grandpa died."

It seemed believable if I didn't know what was actually going on. Wow. Great liar. Wonder if he really loved me or he was just putting on a face... My heart suddenly cracked at the thought and I choked deeply on my own spit.

"Woah are you okay?"

Jake held my back and so I wouldn't fall back wards and on my shoulder to stop me falling forwards. Once I had stopped, he let go and awkwardly stood next to my locker which I when I realised why I was here. I swiftly turned my locker combination to 32973 and it swung open to reveal my hell of a locker. Stuff on the left hand side was bits of food and after school snacks I munch on quite often (new food not old rotting stuff), the right was filled with my school books and homework sheets and above it all was my huge coat resting on the top. I breathed deeply before lunging my hands into the cluster and trying to find my Geography book.

"Here I'll help you."

He offered but I wasn't there mood so I moved his hands away before they could make the mess even worse which was hard to imagine.

"Erm no it's fine, I'll erm get it myself. You wanna go to class? It's late."

I liked at the school clock and it read 08:58. 2 minutes to get everything ready.
I rummaged quietly but quickly and found all my books for the day and I made my way to the first room and sat myself down at the back of the geography class.

Well this is going to be fun(!)


Hey guysssss kinda long chapter but next ones gonna be even longer I just wanted to get this one out there! A lot of u have been asking for updates so this is for u guys! Love u all and hope u enjoy this twisted chapter.

Hint for next chapter- try and remember the line where Mason talks about her sister being part of the 'project' 😛😉😙 leave u to it now😋.

Exactly 1000!

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