Chaper 26 - Final

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I sit on the sofa, my legs intwined with Jakes. It's a nice position. My heads tucked on his shoulder, which his arm protectively swung over my body.

The TV's on, and I finally feel like a normal couple. Till the doorbell rings.

I sigh as a struggle to get out of Jakes lap. He helps by pushing my back, and I eventually stand up. Walking to the door slowly, I start to panic.

Who is it?

Another knock. Louder this time.

I twist the bronze handle and stand in shock to see a police officer, with Mason.

I feel Jakes warm presence behind me and that's enough to calm me down.

"Officer, how can I help you?"

My voice is shaking yet I sound confident.

"We'd just like to say, you are safe now. We will be taking Mason Towers down to the police station now. We have heard from many witnesses over the past few weeks, that this man has been spying on you and attempting to catch your attention. He will no longer be a bother. I'm sorry you've had to go through this."

I turn around to see Jake staring in confusion just like me.

"Oh thank you then, I didn't realise this case had been going on for a couple of weeks. I didn't know Mason was following me before this. I knew I'd bumped into him before and it had been strange but nothing like this."

"Well, I'd just like to say, because of the multiple witnesses, you haven't been asked to come with us to the police station and answer some questions. That's what would normally always happen, but the court has said you have only been a victim who wouldn't be able to give much information."

I stare blankly at him, confusion splattered all over my face.

"So it's all over?"

Jake asks.

"Yes. We are ever so sorry for the bother."

I finally take a breath.

When the kind officer leaves I shut the door and face Jake planting a quick kiss on his lips.

"We can finally trust each other."

"I love you Valerie."

"I love you too Jake."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A few months later

"So where are we sitting?"

I ask Melissa, Conner, Emily, Jake, Cassy and James.

"Over there. I think that tables free."

James points at a large circular table at the far end of the College cafeteria.

We only started yesterday and I think I've made some very trust worthy friend already.

Jake and I are still together of course.

Emily and I met at the bus stop, turns out she lives right across the road from me for about 12 years and I'd never met her before yesterday. She has dark red hair and very pale skin, yet she still manages to look beautiful. A lot of people complain about having pale skin, but if I was Emily, I would never complain. She's tall and slim and for the past two days she has had her hair in this amazing hairstyle that must take hours. It's a bun but with a lot more detail in it. The tiniest of plaits run around the bun and there are grips everywhere but it looks gorgeous.

Conner met Jake on the football team along with James. They seem like nice lads. Not too rough like some of them. They both have light brown hair, Conners cover his forehead whereas James' is clearly pushed up with a million pounds of gel. But they both look good. They have very built torsos, which I only know by the way is because I watched them practice with Jake last night where they took their tops off, and their facial features must attract a lot of girls because since we've been here, at least 17 girls have asked for their numbers. But I only need one number. Jakes.

Melissa and I met in an art class yesterday, she asked me to sit with her since we are both new. She's so lovely and kind and pretty. Her blonde curls lay comfortably on her shoulders and sweep down to the start of her hips. Her figure is goals, her thin legs yet curvy body is every girls dream body.

Cassy met both Jake and I at the same time in the parking lot. She started talking to us and she seemed like a lovely girl so we invited her for lunch the next day (ie today). She has incredibly blonde hair, nothing like Melissa's. But her orange foundation looks natural for some reason. I notice her tattoo at the side of her neck. It's a snake with the letter JDJ on it. I need to ask her about that.

I take a seat on the table and and just smile.

Hopefully this friendship group will last a very long time.




So it's done and I know I haven't updated in forever but I felt like no one was reading anymore so :( but I'm so happy for 13 000 + reads and this was one of my first books on Wattpad and I'm just so surprised it reached more than 100! I never would've imagined this would happen when I joined wattpad and I'm so grateful for everyone of you that have taken you're time to read my creation.

I love you all so much and thank you again for reading this!

I will be doing more books hopefully so look out for them if you liked this. <3

Have a great life of reading Guys!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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