Chapter 3

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The first day of school was almost over, and I raised my stuff hand to ask to go to the bathroom. The teacher let me and I got out of my seat heading for the door, and Jake stopped me with his feet, so subtle, the people next to him didn't even notice.

Jake was the years most wanted guy, but he would never date anyone, or even flirt. He was what some would call a classic good boy... But with an amazing face. His jaw line was beautiful and his rare grey green eyes stared back into my dull blue ones.

"What?" I whispered, not wanting any one to look at us.

He let go of my foot and turned around to pay attention to Ms Norbary. I pulled a confused look and walked downstairs to the toilet. Just before I opened the door to the girls washroom, someone grabbed me from behind. Jake.

I turned around to see my sister holding my wrist.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, squeezing my strained eyes, they'd been hurting all morning.

"I need to borrow your phone, mines dead."

She always did this, she used her phone till her battery drained then took mine for the rest of the day.

"No sorry, not this time"

She gave me a threatening stare, very unlike her usual skinny pretty face i was used to looking at.

"I actually need it? I went to my violin lesson so I missed the homework, so I need to ask-"

"Just please, you know how much I need a phone"

"I said no, Rose" I always say yes, it's time a no was said to her. Besides she was two years older than me, she should understand.


After the bathroom break, I made my way back upstairs and bumped into someone on the stairs. This time, it was Jake.

"Oh hey, Ms Norbery told me to come and find you since you were gone for so long" he said, a sweet expression crawling across his face. I didn't realise how long I was gone, I checked my phone and it was almost the end of the lesson.

"Sorry, my sister decided to have another argument with me so I got delayed"

"Reasonable excuse" he said I grin tugging the edge of his lips.

"It's true!" I said laughing the sarcasm off. I walked back into class with him and sat down in my seat, looking across the room at his concentrated face.

Hey guys! I haven't written these lil authors note in agesssss. Decided to today! Well hope you all are ok and hope ur enjoying my story! Thanks so much for 1700 reads in 4 days and only in 2 chapter! And 100 votes?! You guys r too generous. Love u all and I will update soon xxxx

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