Chapter 5

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I was still on the bus daydreaming about what Jake said and soon realised he had left and I had missed my stop. The bus driver was shaking me vigorously and I pulled opened my mascara stuck eyes. I ran past the young, handsome driver and stared walking backwards till I was home.

I crashed on my bed and replayed the little conversation
"I like someone else"
Should I ask him about it? No what if I heard it wrong. Awkwardness would fill the air and we would no longer be able to talk.
I woke myself from my unreachable dreams and checked my phone.
23:47 oh god.

I had tons of homework to do which was due tomorrow. I scrambled out of my heated bed into the cold surroundings of my bed room. I scrunched my hair into a messy bun so it wasn't falling into my face and picked up my pen.
Maths. Crap.

I texted all my friends for help and put it on social media if anyone could help, because I knew my parents were asleep. Being doctors meant waking up at unreasonable times eg 4am, so I never really saw them in the morning.

My phone tinged the usual iPhone ting and I turned it on to see a notification. It was from Jake. Oh no. I slowly opened it and he was wanting to help me. It was not last midnight. What was he doing up so late? I replied to his message saying help would be good, and we both went through it on Skype.

Hey guysssss so my tests are all over!! So I will be updating more than once a week now! I know I've been a tad bit inactive but I'm back now so please read and vote! Xxox

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