Chapter 15

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After we reached the garden, I found the perfect spot to sit. It was under a beautiful pink blossom tree with the flower petals spread casually across the rich green grass. I layed out our checkered picnic blanket, slipped my sandals off and sat at the edge. Jake took out all the food from the cute nest like picnic basket and placed them in a line out in front of me. Immediately i knew what he was doing,

"Jake! How did you know my favourite food order?"

I stared at him with a huge smile curved on my face from the happiness.

"I didn't my 'research'. Your brother told me for a quite generous fee."

"Oh god, Chase dos not charge you to get information of me did he!?"

I asked in anger.

"It's fine, really. He didn't ask for much, just some money and a dare."

"And the date was...."

"To pull a prank on professor Mills. I don't exactly think many people know she's my aunt."

"No way! I love Ms Mills!"

He laughed the conversation to an end, and we dug into our delicious meal.


Several days later


After my parents explained Roses' death to me, I was distort for many days. How could she do that? It wasn't even that she died... She committed suicide.

I heard mum and dad downstairs talking about how she might have been high from all the prescribed drugs, but everyone knows that wasnt true. I sat on my bed, letting the rainy clouds drizzle over me, and crush my heart with its soft, invisible, harmless raindrops.

Hey guysssssss! So basically long story short, I'm in holiday and the wifi is crap and I only have 30 mins a day! Like wtf?! How am I supposed to survive on that?! I have tons of data/4G/3G but it ain't working here ;( so yeah slow updates for about a week...

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