Chapter 9

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I was washing my mums China carefully when a brutal knock shook my hands and I tightened my grip on the plate to steady myself. I ran to the door, drying my hands on the towel. I opened it and Jake was stood there, with his tight shirt and dark jeans.

"What took you so long?"

He sounded pissed.

"Erm I don't know I only just heard you knocking."

"You scared the life outta me! I knew you were home and everything and you weren't answering the phone so I came over and you wouldn't open up!"

I only just realised my earphones were deeply tucked into my ears. I slip them off slowly and placed them on the counter.

"I'm sorry, I was just listening to music"

Seeing my sad expression he replied with a soft tone,

"It's ok, I was just worried, I'm not mad at you, I'm just ticked off at myself for being so protective"

"Why are you protective over me..?"

"Well I, I don't really know, you just seem to mean a lot to me lately"

I sat down on the arm of the sofa and stared into his soft eyes.

"What do I mean to you?"

I had to get it out of him, to know exactly what he meant, and so it wasn't left vague like always.

"You're a really good friend, and I can trust you with my life even though we've only met like a month ago"

"You mean something to me too Jake,"

"Something more than friends?"

I stared at the floor. Great, he turned the question on me before I could get him to spill it.

"I think I- I-"

"I love you Valerie"

My heart melted to the sound of his voice and all I did was slide down onto his lap and hug him. He hugged me back and we just sat there for hours, taking in that one comment. After a while I whispered
"I love you too Jake"

I'm not really the kissy, dirty kinda girl, and I'm sure Jake will respect that. That's what I told him after we woke up from our accidental snooze on the sofa.

We watched LOL and I was drooling over Kyle and Chad, which made Jake slightly jealous I guess. I never meant to, when I watched with my girls I always did that, but I think I forgot I was with a guy. I knew for sure his jealousy was bursting when he blurted out,

"What am I not good enough for you? Do I have to look like them to make you mine?"

I laughed at his comment for several minutes but realised he didn't join in. I punched his built chest playfully and smiled,

"Your way better than those guys"

He finally smiled and we cuddled again, turning another film on.

Mum said he could spend the night, and soon we dozed off laying on each other.

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