Chapter 25

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Soooooo sorry for the extreme late update! Never done this before sorry for upsetting some people please forgive:( .



I'm still star struck I fear behind the counter and finally when the sound of fighting stops I take a deep breath. I didn't realise I was holding it.

I sit still, trying to fill my Lungs with the air needed before standing up and finding a bloody Jake on the floor. My heart continues to race, but for a different reason. He's hurt. Jakes hurt. Badly.


I sit in the waiting room of the hospital and wait for one of the nurses to tell me if Jakes injury was as extreme as it looked or not.

I twiddle my thumbs which are slightly coated wit Jakes blood. Instead of washing it away, I let my thoughts wash it.

What if he can't walk again, I mean his leg was mostly injured, what if his head bang was going to lead to a type of tumour?

I can't think like that. Especially not about people who I couldn't live without.

My deep thoughts are merely interrupted by someone. In a normal case, I would probably be angry that they shook me away from my head land, but in this case, it was the nurse who would be able to sort out the thoughts by telling me what was the matter with Jake.

I stand up, taking in her pale skin, and smudged make up from a hard day at work. She's wearing a sea green overall, added with a bit of unmatching jewellery indicating her short space of time to get ready in the morning. The medium sized bags under her eyes add to the accusation. I let her speak first, Only because nothing comes out of my mouth.

She takes a deep breath.

Oh no.

"He's okay."

"Oh thank god! ... But you seem unsure..."

I squint at her, so much that if it was possible I would be about the squeeze the truth out of her.

"He's got a minor leg injury which will restrict him to a pair of clutches provided that he keeps them safe."

"Oh. Right. So he's not majorly injured right?"


She finishes with a glum sigh, obviously not feeling my fright. I walk through the familiar hallway of the hospital and enter room 285.

He's there. All casted up and sat, with his eyes closed. But he's there.

All my negative feelings melt away when I see him.

I touch his arm slowly as a pull up a stool to sit beside his bed. He flinches at my touch and opens his eyes.

"Val, is that you?"

Tears threaten and prick at my eyes as I watch him struggle to sit up. I pat his torso telling him to lay back down again. Words once again struggle to leave my now dry desert mouth.

"H-hi Jake."

My stuttering earns me a heart stopping smile from Jake which gives me strength to speak again.

"How are you?"

His voice is still raspy from not talking for a while but it's still a gorgeous tone which I've adored From day 1.

"Well shouldn't I be asking you that since I'm not the one in a huge cast that I will soon be doodling over?"

He laughs and I smile at his contagious giggles.

"I'm fine honestly. I needed to talk to you about Mason, but i saw him there attacking you. It was horrible."

"You basically broke yourself for me. I'm really lucky to have you as a boyfriend Jake. As a best friend."

I emphasise the best because it's true I couldn't ask for a better, simply because there isn't anyone better.


"So do you wanna tell me the entire thing with this Mason dude now?"

He sighs as I drive slowly so I have more time to listen to the long explanation.

"Okay. Here we go. You have to promise not to hate me because I backed out just in time. Okay?"

"Okay. Gosh going all tfios are we?"

He laughs before beginning. I take a deep breathe ready for it.

"So it all started off with Rose me and Mason. We were kinda best friends in primary. Mason was a few years older but he came to play with us at break and stuff. So we were really close until... Brad came into the picture. In 7th grade, brad was the new kid along without rest of us, and he developed a certain liking towards Rose, which was alright until Rose returned the liking. At this point in time, Rose was my best friend and all I knew was Brad was taking my best friend away. But for Mason, it was a lot worse, he liked her in that way. After a while, Rose secretly started dating Brad because she knew she'd hurt Mason if she told him, but it was worse because Mason caught them full on flirting and he was distort. Years went by and he still hadn't got over it. I felt bad for him, i mean after all he was my best friend. So we decided to make a deal that we'd get revenge on her. Together. But then I started to like you and we got together and I didn't want to get you're sister. So I tried to back out, but Mason wouldn't let me. "

"Waitttttttt. So you murdered my sister?"

I spit out.

"No! No not at all. Let's just say our revenge was maybe one of the reasons she committed suicide."


"So now we were so guilty, it was starting to show, and so Mason wanted to kill.... You. But this is where I backed ur big time. He knew you knew so he didn't want you around. But that was too far. But don't worry, I've told everything to the police now, I think he'll be in prison soon."

I stare at the car which has now stopped in front of our house.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in"

"Yeah, how about we go inside and chill and then you can react once it's sunk in."

"I'd like that."



A HUGE amount of u have asked to update n I didn't have time!!!! I'm sooooooooooo sorry!!!! Omg feel so bad I've never updated so late! Here's a long chapter for u guys who've been waiting love u all xoxo

PLEASE DONT BE A SILENT READER comment vote and show support! Love u xxx


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